Truth Clarified

July 3, 2016

The mother transcriptions

Spiritualist Frieda Probst in her beautifully inspiring book of channeled readings – The Mother Transcriptions, Lessons from The Sisters of Light – presents a deep treatise on Love and Truth from a very high level of consciousness. One section, titled Truth Clarified, is particularly important to reforming modern society which is currently in the grips of distortion and deception in so many areas. It gently challenges us to reconnect with the Divine Truth which is the only “real thing” in our existence:

“Your image of truth is distorted. You think truth is just telling the accurate story of a happening. Truth is much more profound that that. Truth is the aspect of God that flows the thought of God into you, and then into material form on the Earth plane.

Truth is simplicity in action. Truth is right action, rather than simply telling accurate stories. Truth is knowing what is right and then living that rightness in every aspect of your life. Truth is following the divine path that you chose before you were born, and taking that path totally. Right action involves dedication, right action involves dedication to yourself.

Sometimes we see you learning a certain way and there is a certain knowing  that maybe a certain action is appropriate, but you may hurt another by these actions, or you may be perceived by friends as off-balance. These are the actions we are discussing this morning. You must all come to the realization that right action is not painful; it just sometimes appears to be painful in some ways. Right action cannot cause pain when the truth is flowing through you, and you are in alignment with that truth. When your actions and your truth are in total alignment, only love can flow. Love is all there is. [Truth maximizes Energy / Love flow].

…To truly be a human being, you must be the master of yourself. This does not mean being unbearable or arrogant with your actions or words. It means always telling the truth, speaking the truth in every possible way. Speak the truth and you will be free – free of domination and free to truly be the holy child of God that you are. This is truth. This is right action…All aspects of your life must outpour truth. If there is anyone who is not in alignment with your truth, meditate and ask for guidance. The help will come to aid you in determining if a change is due.

All of you have areas of your life that need to be cleared. All of you have clutter surrounding you in many ways. Begin today to clear away the debris of the past. Begin today to clear away anything and anyone that does not align with you as a holy child of the Divine Mother. Ask yourself always, ‘Is this action in alignment with the Divine Mother’s truth?’ You will receive an answer and you will have the stamina, courage, and will to act on that truth. Trust in your inner stamina, courage, and will. You know the answers to all questions. You need but stop and ask, then stop and listen. All answers are available to you.”

Truth No Lies

TSW Insight:

A natural observation may be that ‘one person’s truth is sometimes quite different from ‘another person’s truth’. The reality is that the ‘truth’ in this case may be one that is obscured by an individual’s particular biases and fear based distortions. As I wrote in Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reasons – the Essential 21st Century Framework, the way to ensure you get to the Truth is by having a set of clear operating principles that helps guide you to that destination no matter what the situation. I also have a simple test to determine if I or anyone else is operating at the highest level of Divine Truth: Does what I or the other person is saying or doing align with the highest aspect of unconditional love and acceptance and does it promote unity rather than separation or division? I believe applying that question to any situation can immediately bring to the surface all fear and ego-based distortions of the Truth.

Another interesting observation about our ability to reach the level of Truth in our everyday interactions is that many of us often end up not pursuing the right course of Truthful action or speech because we anticipate that the other party (or some other person or group who will be affected by our action) will not be operating at the level of unadulterated Truth. We become afraid of their reaction or action that will be unpleasant for us. This fear based approach of course only ensures we decrease the level of Truth in any situation. In fact, we guarantee the other person or group won’t have a chance to “do the right thing” because we have decided not to give them the opportunity to do so in order to protect our own ego. We have essentially chosen the path of non-Truth for the other person or group. This lack of courage and commitment to the Truth leads to an overall lowering of integrity and unity within society. It also leads to less than desirable performance and results as anything that is not of the highest level of Truth is not sustainable and will ultimately fail and collapse.

So in terms of more effective dialogue and decision making, asking “have we done the right thing for the right reasons” and “have we arrived at the Truth”, is often enough of a mental lubricant to get to the right destination.

Lastly, what would it mean if we were all dedicated Truth Seekers and Tellers? Here’s some potential scenarios:

  • We would question everything. We wouldn’t be satisfied with the status quo or accept anything until we became convinced that it was the highest level of truth – not a false thought distorted by ego and fear.
  • We would look at all of our societal systems and figure out which one’s were actually truth promoting versus truth destroying (politics, business, education, media, etc). We would then set about to reform those systems that were holding back the proper evolution of society.
  • We would re-examine our childhood conditioning – half truths and distortions that our families, schools, religious institutions, and society at large had taught us to believe. We would keep what we now determine to be the Truth and let go of the rest.
  • We would assess if we were living our purpose – in our lives, in our jobs – and if we were aligned with the Truth or something less than satisfactory, real, and worthy of the highest good.
  • We would learn Systems Thinking. The Truth can be difficult to uncover and being able to connect the dots between various pieces of information at times becomes the only way to discern the Truth.
  • We would become life-long learners. The Truth takes time and effort to un-earth. A commitment to finding it in all things is a divine and worthy discipline.
  • We would meditate and go within, be still and quiet. We would realize the Truth is being broadcast to us in every moment, but we must make the choice to listen.
  • Lastly, we would not be afraid of the Truth. Holding the view that finding out the Truth of any subject as being inconvenient or unpleasant would no longer make sense to us.  In fact, we would want complete transparency as anything less than the Truth is an illusion. And, a life built upon a house of cards is a level of unstability no one benefits from in the long run.

~Jay Kshatri

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