Trevor Blake, the author of Three Simple Steps, has lead an inspiring life. Rising from poverty and a dysfunctional home in his childhood in Britain he eventually became an elite officer in the British military and most recently started and successfully sold a couple of medical / biotech companies. What allowed him to make the transition from difficult conditions to ample life success was frequent trips to the library in his youth as a way to escape the difficult conditions at home. There, he began to study the lives of successful people who had discovered how to harness the power of their thoughts to create and bend reality in their favor. Further along, he discovered there was a scientific basis for their techniques and though, most mainstream scientists did not view the world in this way, there were clearly connections to be made between quantum science principles and these techniques of the mind.
Blake went on to use these skills to achieve success in both his college, military, and corporate career in the medical device / pharmaceutical industry. As he rose into corporate leadership positions, he even began teaching his colleagues how to use the same skills with good results. With that track record in place, he decide to bring what he had successfully learned and lived into the form of the book Three Simple Steps. The book is both a biography of his very interesting life and his techniques to manifest his goals and desires into reality.
He’s also begun teaching an on-line course called The Physics of Success and if you have the opportunity, it is well worth experiencing. Trevor excels at getting across scientific concepts in an easily digestible way and he brings what is inherently spiritual, into mainstream language without those references. His is a more humanistic approach to the concepts of intention and manifestation and with a business man’s focus on using these things for personal success (an attractive approach to the “spiritually squeamish”…). I of course think there are much more important reasons to use these techniques (for spiritual development and societal transformation) but if Blake can be a “bridge” to a wider audience to see the world beyond materialist reality, then that’s a positive.
That said, I’ve summarized some of the key points from The Physics of Success and I hope you will find it useful:
Lesson One
- E=MC’2 – Energy and Matter are Interchangeable. Energy in an isolated system never changes. Thoughts are energy. Energy in an isolated system is constant. Thoughts never die, they always exist in one form or another (matter or energy). Therefore, change your thinking and use the power of thought to create the reality you want.
- “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein.
Three Quantum Physics key drivers of Energy:
- String Theory – Inside Quarks, we witness dancing filaments of energy – like strings. Vibrate at different patterns and make up the different particles around us. String theory mathematics don’t work in standard 3 dimensional space. It only works in 10 dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Changing vibration of the ripples in the energy field changes the way “particles” appear to the observer. If we change something in one of the dimensions we cannot sense, it has to show up in our 3-dimensional, five sensory experience. (the recent movie Interstellar strove to bring String Theory to life for the big screen).
- Quantum Entanglement – Two particles can become entangled if they are close enough together and their properties get linked. They can stay linked even after they are separated. When you measure or affect one particle, you end up affecting the entangled particle no matter how far apart they are. Once connected always connected. If we change the way we pay attention to the past we can change how it affects us now, if we focus on a future we want we can connect it to us now.
- Observer Effect – Also known as Wave-Particle Duality. Reality is unset jello. Everything is possibility until you observe it. Once an observer puts its focus on the wave/particle, the wave collapses into particle matter. Everything in our life only exists when we put our attention to it. An atom only appears in a certain place, until you measure it or observe it.
So why are we concerned with what a particle may be doing or whether it is waving or not waving when we are not looking at it? When we understand that our observations and expectations actually influence the apparent behavior of reality, then we are empowered to actively play with interactive reality-creation. Reality is neither particle nor wave. It is both and neither simultaneously, and as co-creators with universal consciousness, we influence how reality shapes itself. Likewise, in our continual observations of our reality, and ourselves, we repeatedly collapse the wave functioninto a state of sameness, or a state of no-change. We perceive through the same lens of awareness, and that collapses the wave function from various possibility states into the ones we have chosen to observe for ourselves. Our limited lens of awareness creates perceptual biases that filter what we are able to notice and experience.
How we perceive life is a result of how we collapse wave functions. Our perspectives, our observations, our opinions, our thoughts, and our beliefs are continually collapsing the wave function from unlimited possibilities, to probability states, into what we actually observe and perceive as our experience. We see what we expect to see, and we are continually and consistently collapsing the wave function.
The act of observation creates the entire universe. There are no objects, only relationships. The world is based on consciousness. Practice the skill of observation to change the reality of your life. Pay attention to what you really want, not want you don’t want. Where our attention goes, energy grows.
How do you Match Frequency to a Certain Reality?
- Brain has 100 Billion Neurons, 125 trillion signals/sec (more than all cell phone signals on the planet). Some of those signals turn into kinetic energy, some into thoughts.
- Thoughts produced by energy-driven neurotransmitters
- Thoughts contain kinetic and potential energy
- 1gm water contains same energy as 20,000 tons of TNT
- Brain is mostly water which weighs 1400gm (you have a very powerful weapon sitting on top of your shoulders!)
Mentality control then is
- Thought is isolated energy. Therefore thought can only exist in all 12 space-time dimensions.
- Thought entangles with similar thoughts effecting each other thoughout time.
- Thoughts only exist when we pay attention to them.
- Therefore, let go of the past and the future, live in the moment, focus on what you want.
- Let go of the past and the future – “I did my best with the information that available to me at the time. I release everything in my past and send it on with my love and best wishes.” and “By worrying and hoping for my future I destroy the present, by living in the present I control my future.”
Positive thinking is an illusion
- You are bound to have unpleasant thoughts from time to time. Thoughts are happening at the speed of light. The key is how do you react to the thought you just had – change your thoughts to what you actually want no matter what thoughts have occurred just before. Create a mini-movie in your head of the reality you do want to experience. After that “React Forward”, take some action in support of your positive reality. Think-Do, Think-Do, Think-Do.
Manage what we expose our minds to
- When you watch something fearful, the thoughts you have are about you would feel in the same situation. Have enough of those thoughts and you could create what you have been watching back into your life.
Be careful of complaining
- Our brain works like a muscle. What we get used to doing, our brain craves more of. So, we keep complaining as a matter of muscle memory and continue to attract those things into our life. Complaining is always about venting against something you don’t want. Which is the opposite of mentality control – to focus on what we do want in our lives.
- Wear mentality shield at all times – visualize yourself wearing a an invisible protective cloak against negative energy. take breaks away from people periodically during meetings to break the cycle of negativity
- Watch inspiring media
- Break neural connections with complainers / gossipers
- Select commercials that are for what you want
- Subscribe to beneficial sites and mags
- Notice the love all around
Lesson 2
Higgs Boson
- Called a particle, but actually a ripple in the quantum field
- Higgs field is what gives subatomic particles their mass
- Higgs field pervades all of the universe
- Without Higgs we would exist only as consciousness
How do we improve connectedness through the Higgs Field?
- If we improve connection strength we can change time events
- If we improve connection strength we can access anyone and anything
“To experience everything, we must travel by the way of nothing.” –essentially we must let go of all fear, doubt, and expectation.
To strengthen your connection to Source Energy, Meditation and spending time in Nature are two of the most powerful tools available to us:
Benefits of Meditation
- Increased Brain Functioning
- Increased Flexibility of Brain Functioning
- Increased Efficiency of Information Transfer in the Brain
- Improved Perception
- Improved Problem-Solving Ability
- Increased Resistance to Distraction and Social Pressure
- Increased Intelligence
- Increased Creativity
- Increased Self-Confidence and Self-Actualization
- Improved Verbal and Analytical Thninking
Benefits of spending time in nature (validated through university studies)
- 4 % decrease in stress cortisol
- Increased concentration
- Boosts serotonin
- Immune system boost
- Increased test scores
Lesson 3
Intention Setting
- Lewis Terman Study (inventor of IQ test): Self confidence, discipline, and a tendency to set goals were the leading determinates for success (among high IQ children).
The difference between goal setting and intentions
- GS: Logic based, baby steps, believable, time dependent, outcome led.
- Intentions: Intuitive based, unlimited, belief not required, time is an illusion, purpose led.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you Everywhere. – Albert Einstein
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. – Albert Einstein
Key study on brain in 2011 (Cambridge) – brain cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. Both light up the corresponding brain centers. [imagination is the key to creating our reality]
Properties of Ordinary Imagination
- Instantaneous
- Permanent
- Unrestricted
- Unlimted
- Creates thought-energy
- Exists in all dimensions
- Time independent
Additional Properties of a (Mental) Wizard’s Imagination
- Vivid
- Wild
- Huge
- Detailed
- Sexy/hot/vibrant/energetic/emotional
- Happy
- Love of Life
Imagination is a sexual/creative energy. It is a state of ecstasy. Happiness, fun, dancing – is a great way to get into this high energy state.
Also, visualize a time where you were in that state – perhaps in childhood – no cares, just fun, and high energy. You need to find what makes you ecstatic – you will manifest your intentions much more when you can often do that thing that gets you into that state. When they say – ‘do what makes you the happiest’ – they’re not kidding!
Intentions are for achieving dreams. An intention can only be one if: When you imagine it you are awestruck and when you work on pulling present and future together to experience it now, you fall into a state of flow.
Flow = Superfluidity = All Doubt Removed
Superfluidity is a physics terms used to describe a “a state in which matter behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity; where it appears to exhibit the ability to self-propel and travel in a way that defies the forces of gravity and surface tension.”
When your neurons harmonize and create a neural network of peak clarity and performance with zero friction or viscosity you are in a state of maximum brain connectivity. Superfluidity is the state of ultimate mental and physical performance. You are in a state of knowing. –from Psychology Today: The Psychology of Peak Performance
Make your intentions deeply personal
- Imagination = Thought = Energy
- Competing energies can cause destructive interference
- Beware energy vampires
- You can only have intentions for yourself
- Be for something you want, not against something you don’t want.
- Imagine how it feels to be living your ideal future…now!
- Use “I Am” or “I Did” – be present focused.
Intentions: The 5 P’s
- Purpose
- Personal
- Present Tense
- Positive
- Private
Removing Doubt with Superfluidity
- Window shopping (go visit and look at the things you want)
- Mini Mind Movies (happy scenes that keep you motivated to achieve your intentions)
- Imagine your Ideal Day every day
- Hyperbole, Sexy, Vibrant Daydreaming
The Winding Staircase
- There is nothing to do on a staircase except climb the steps
- Faith is unnecessary
- Hope is poisonous
- Discipline defines the winner
(Life fills in the details – you don’t worry about the things that are going to happen along the way to your goals and destination. This is synchronicity. You have to let the process work).
Discipline is all it takes
- Take quiet time 20 minutes in the morning (in other words, meditate)
- Mentality shield and disconnect
- React forward
- Imagine often your dreams as already here
- Window shop
- Remain unflappable
- Specific imagineering creates self confidence
Life / Energy Field will sort out the rest
Lesson Four
Recap of highlights
- Meditate every morning without fail
- Go out in nature every single day. You expand your senses and heighten your ability to experience other dimensions.
- Bend time. Imagine things already existing. Re-imagine what has happened in the past, release from past events (forgive yourself and others), and new things related to those events will arise and happen, and in essence then, you will change the past.
- Thoughts create 3D reality.
- Set vivid, present tense intention. Write out in paragraph form, read every day after / before meditation.
- Create mini mind movies for yourself about what you intend.
- Try to physically put yourself into your intended future – go see and touch what you want, buy products that remind you of the experience or product, etc.
- Keep mind free of low-energy media. Instead, flood life with positive media. [see 21 Ideas to Free Your Mind from Mass Media].
- Where focus goes, energy grows.
- Let go of the past, keep mind clear, forgive yourself and everyone. Throw all doctrine out. Live in the moment.
- Write out your key intentions every day (hidden) on whiteboard or pad, etc.
- Read books about people who want to become like.
Trevor Blake has provided through his book Three Simple Steps and his Physics of Success course a fresh modern day look at using the Power of Thought to craft the life we desire. Take a look at Trevor Blake’s website where you can sign up for his Monday Morning Podcast series which is very good. Also visit his page where you can sign up for the online Physics of Success course.
~Jay Kshatri