If you don’t know where you want to go, then you are sure not to get there. So it goes with the destination of Enlightenment. It is something hardly discussed in day to day conversations among most people, not taught in our primary education curriculum, and there is no “manual” with easy (and accurate) to follow steps on the internet or a “how-to” video on You-Tube. Yet, one could argue that it is the most important objective for every human. Why? Because it takes one to that state of Being which reclaims their forgotten God-Power. Or, to put it slightly differently, the attainment of it results in someone assuming their rightful place as God in Human Form.
“There cannot be a deity outside of your body that is not within your body, as all is vibrating or emanating energy. Thus, these vibrations flow through your body as well as around it and the vibrations of the Deity include every atom of your whole body as well as the whole mass of the Universe. Thus, you put God everywhere, before all, within all, around all, enveloping all, and enfolding all. There is not an atomic space that does not have the emanating energy of Light and Life flowing through it.”
~from Book 3, Masters of the Far East
The Path to Enlightenment is often called the Ascension Path. When we Ascend, we rise to a higher state of being, or vibration. We en-light-en, and become filled with more light. Our vibrational frequency rises, and we radiate more light, and more accurately, we attain and radiate a clearer and more powerful sound (sound vibration sped up results in light). The music of our mind, body, and soul becomes lighter, finer, more harmonious, and beautiful.
This guide is my contribution to those who seek to be intentional during this great Ascension Cycle our planet and Galaxy are currently undergoing. And as all is inter-connected, it is reasonable to say how we progress affects not only ourselves, but everyone and everything in the Universe as well. The Ascension is and will affect all on planet Earth. No one is excluded – the rising frequency of our planet and galaxy in this great shift in vibratory reality and consciousness is something we must all face in our own way. The good news is that the rapidly rising energies on the planet and the breakdown and elimination of the control structure of the dark forces provides a great opportunity to accelerate our soul evolution to higher levels of vibration and consciousness – to more quickly attain our inner-god-hood and “bring heaven down to earth”.
The information I’m going to provide you is based on my own experiences with the Ascension process. I will share what I have learned on how to overcome many of the road-blocks put in the way to limit the rise of human consciousness. The dark forces have been quite creative in the tactics and techniques they have used to hold humanity down – to reduce and distort the individual and collective energetic vibration. More broadly, I’ll share what I have learned in comparing my experiences with what others have described through the ages in terms of raising their consciousness. I believe there are some common experiences, milestones, and challenges that everyone faces Ascending on the Path to Enlightenment and Reclaiming their Divine Super-Powers. My hope is that by clearly knowing what the end-goal is and what some of the key requirements and challenges are, it will help you on your own unique and personal journey and increase the chances for success.
You can view a PDF of The Path to Enlightenment, A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey (129 pages) below and save a copy to your computer or phone by clicking on the download button (right side) in the Navigation Bar at the top of the document. Please feel free to share the link to this page with others who you feel could benefit from the guide.
In Service to Your Highest Good,
Jay Kshatri