In my experience, successful navigation of the Ascension path to higher levels of consciousness requires a holistic approach which unites best practices of expanding both heart and mind. With that objective, I have created a detailed guide: The Path to Enlightenment, A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey. Please click on the link and download a free copy of the book. You may also want to explore past issues of the Think Smarter World Newsletter.
Below are my recommended resources that will help you on your own personal journey towards enlightenment.
Ascension / Spiritual Awakening / Enlightenment
- What Is Ascension? What Does “Ascension” Really Mean? Excellent overview of the ascension process from Melanie Beckler at “Ascension is not only spiritual, physical, or mental. The ascension process has an impact on your entire being and how you perceive, relate to and interact with the world around you. Ascension is a total transformation. To ascend is to realign with Divine Love, and with awareness at an expanded level of consciousness.”
- Spiritual Awakenings – What they Are, Why they Occur, and How they Happen –
- Being Soul-Driven and Reclaiming Your Super Powers –
- Graduation of Earth Humanity to the 4th Density – The Ascension Process Explained –
- Spiritual Initiation – Milestones to Enlightenment, by William Meader – Excellent overview of the 5 stages of Spiritual Initiation / Development of the Soul as it moves towards higher levels of consciousness.
- Resources for Understanding the On-Going Liberation of Planet Earth –
- The 24 Characteristics of Enlightenment, By Sri Bhagavan, Oneness University, India – “The reason for listing the 24 characteristics of enlightenment is to give those who are awakening a gauge by which to measure their progress. In the natural process of awakening, these qualities appear in their season like fruits on a tree.”
- Awaken Magazine Interviews David R. Hawkins – “What does it mean to awaken? The mind has become silent. Logical or sequential thought has stopped, and instead, there is silence and stillness, and continuous, effortless unfolding and presentation as revelation. Knowingness unfolds of itself and the divinity of All That Is silently shines forth as self-evident and self-effulgent. All stands forth in complete and continuous revelation. There is no need to seek or get for everything already is in its totality and completeness. All seeming action takes place on its own.”
- Awaken Interviews Kiri Westby – Awakening Is Refusing To Be Deluded Into a World of Just Light – “Awakening to me, is looking at reality. It opening our eyes to everything that is occurring, especially the difficult, painful aspects of existence. So, awakening is refusing to live in a place of delusion, in which we don’t see the suffering of others. It’s not comfortable… awakening. Awakening is sort of brave. It’s this intentional decision to look at what’s really happening right now… on a global scale… to all the living beings on this planet.”
- The Core Principles of the New Spiritualist –
- Feeling Deeply: An Excerpt from Rituals of the Soul, By Kori Hahn “Pratyahara is a tool for connecting you to the intuitive parts of yourself so that you can know what they are communicating to you. Essentially, the more you learn to withdraw your mind from the senses on the surface and allow your concentrated gaze to move within, the more you advance your skills of feeling into your inner self…In my opinion, it is through this stage of moving within that yogis learn to perform miracles using their supernatural powers, which are called siddhis. Perhaps we could even say Einstein himself became so intuitive he created his own scholarly style of siddhi power.”
- A Practical Guide to Chasing the Mystical – “There are four states of consciousness: wakefulness, sleeping, dreaming, and the transcendental. The transcendental state of consciousness is a state of awareness that is often associated with mystical experiences, and it’s the mystical that allows us to experience another aspect of the self. To say this another way, this means we have to transcend the known self to experience some other aspect of our potential unknown self. To get beyond the known self is what begins to fill in the mystery of the self, and that moment awakens us to our journey back to Source. In other words, there is more to you than meets the eye.”
- 15 Useful Facts, by Caitlin Johnstone – A concise and perceptive list of the true nature of our reality.
- Principles of Spiritual Evolution (Part 1, Part II, Part III) – by Tom Montalk
- Kundalini Awakening: An Emergent Phenomenon – “Kundalini Awakening (KA) is an energetic transformative experience recognized in various traditions, especially among Eastern meditative, Hindu tantra, and Yogic practices. Traditional literature conveys “Kundalini” (i.e., Sanskrit for “coiled up”) as a broader phenomenon encompassing a large variety of spiritual experiences and nondual meditation states. Despite variations in Kundalini concepts across traditional scriptures, a common feature is the ascent of Kundalini through a central energy channel in the spine, activating the chakras (i.e., Sanskrit for energy centers) to purify and balance them. This process has been reported to lead to deeper self-understanding, spiritual awakening, and expanded consciousness by those who have experienced a KA.”
- ER Doctor: The Mind Is Not Annihilated at Death – “Emergency room physician Sam Parnia says in his new book, Lucid Dying, that the human mind (or soul) is not annihilated when the body dies. Parnia is not religious. Rather, his views are the outcome of clinical experience. He states – ‘The evidence so far suggests that the entity we call the human mind, consciousness, what the Greeks called the psyche, that was later translated into “soul” does not become annihilated after a person has died and we … certify them as being dead. That entity continues. And it continues even when the brain does not seem to be functioning. Which raises the question that consciousness may be a separate entity from the brain. It’s not magical. It’s just not discovered yet. But it doesn’t die. ‘”
- The Short Path to Enlightenment: Instructions for Immediate Awakening – by Paul Brunton
- The Path to Enlightenment, A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey –
- Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Approach – by Larry Dossey
- The Direct Path: Creating a Personal Journey to the Divine Using the World’s Spiritual Traditions – by Andrew Harvey
- What do you mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Why now is the time to release who you are not and remember who you are, by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett – good presentation of techniques to increase your energetic fields and protect yourself against negative vibrations and move out of the “3D Drama”.
- The Law of One books were channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. The books (there are five) can be purchased from L/L Research’s online store or freely downloaded from their library. The Law of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions, between Don Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra, speaking through Carla Rueckert. Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results. The Spirit of Ra website provides an overview and study guide of the material here.
- Seth Speaks – The Eternal Validity of the Soul and The Nature of Personal Reality, both by Jane Roberts. Author Jane Roberts in 1963 started to channel a higher level dimensional entity who called himself Seth. These two books in particular are a powerful introduction to the multi-dimensional aspects of the soul and how one uses the power of their soul to create and shape their personal reality.
- The Starseed Transmissions, by Ken Carey is a beautiful channeled work from eleven days in the winter of 1978/1979 where Carey connected to a higher dimensional intelligence that informed him of the past and future of humanity. Carey went on to write a number of other books that are also worth reading.
- Calling Humanity, by Jose Trigueirinho Netto– is a good introduction to the work of the Brazilian ET contactee and channel. He has an extensive catalog of writing which provide good insight into the energetic realities of the universe and how humanity must align with those realities to progress in its evolution to the next level.
- Oneness, by Rasha – is a channeled work where Rasha connects to an advanced higher dimensional source known to her as Universal Presence. Her description of an individual’s ascension process to higher levels of consciousness is one of the best I’ve seen. A must read. “Filled with astounding metaphysical concepts and catalysts for change, Oneness takes us to the outer reaches of our own humanness and to the depths of the Divinity within. Reading it becomes a sacred, experiential journey that leaves the reader empowered with timeless tools for real transformation and a clear roadmap of the inner path to enlightenment.”
- Buddha at the Gas Pump Podcast – Interviews with spiritually awakening people, with Rick Archer, one of the first transcendental meditation teachers in the U.S. A very professionally done interview series profiling ordinary people around the world who are experiencing higher states of consciousness once thought to be rare and difficult to attain. A wonderful resource to understand other people’s ascension path. Close to 600 interviews at the current time. Some will of course resonate more with you than others, so try one for a bit and if it doesn’t grab you, move on to another.
- Spiritual Awakening with Steve Taylor appearing on New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove (video interview) – “Steve Taylor defines spiritual awakening as an opening to a larger understanding of oneself. Ultimately, he maintains that our deepest self is at one with the entire universe. Many human problems result from a sense of separation, of being stuck at an ego level. He describes several types of awakenings. Often they result from a sense of acceptance, even in the aftershock of trauma.”
- The Nature of Source Creator – by Galactic Federation of Worlds’ Emissary for Terra (Earth), Elena Danaan
- Earth’s Energy Shifts, Perspectives from Higher Dimensional Beings – Quantum healing hypnotist Alison Coe reads a transcription of a recent client session. This session gives us insights into what’s happening on Earth from several different perspectives – from other high density beings as well as the client’s higher self. These perspectives provide us great insight into the major earth changes taking place as Earth accelerates its shift into the fourth density.
- Alison Coe provides a reading of one of her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions – Builders, Creators, Shifts and Holograms. A very powerful session with the higher self of the person discussing the individual’s past lives as a builder of worlds and material reality. Illustrates the holographic illusion of our reality and how it is created. The session also discusses elements of the current Ascension cycle of earth to 4th density and who will be making the shift.
- The Five Biggest Myths About Spiritual Awakening – with Steve Taylor – “If you think enlightenment is all about losing touch with the world, think again! In this video, Steve Taylor – the author of The Leap – explodes the five biggest myths about spiritual awakening.”
- Infinite Source Creations Livestream Videos – Dr. David Clements was a professional string theory physicist with advanced degrees from Cambridge and Oxford Universities.In 2000, through remote viewing, he established contact with extraterrestrials from the Pleiades, Arcturus, and Andromedan star systems. Later, he began communicating with highly advanced extraterrestrials called the Elohim who became a part of his extraterrestrial team of advisors and helpers. David has created a free 15 segment (and counting) video series where he provides in depth guidance from his ET and Spirit Guides on connecting to your Higher Self and mastering the use of your energetic vibration to create your desired reality. Each segment has a lecture and Q&A section and a guided meditation channeled by David from the Elohim which is meant to harmonize and energize your light body.
Progressive Science Illuminating the True Nature of Reality
- Energetic Anatomy: A Complete Guide to the Human Energy Fields and Etheric Bodies. “There are many human energy fields. These include the physically measurable electromagnetic and magnetic fields generated by all living cells, tissues, and organs, and the body as a whole. But there are also biofields—subtle or putative fields emanating from these pulsing units of life— as well as our subtle energy bodies, channels, and aspects of self. Here are brief descriptions of the most important human biofields.” ~ Cyndi Dale
- Holistic Health & Wellness through Maximizing Your Energetic Vibration –
- We Communicate Through Energy – Cellular Biologist, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, reveals the connection between Quantum Theory and feelings.
- Dan Winter and The Physics of Bliss and Enlightenment – “Dan Winter for over four decades has been researching the frontier of quantum scalar physics that underpin our material reality. His discoveries come closer than anyone else to showing how eastern spiritual practices and the latest science are intersecting to show us the true nature of our reality and how we can be powerful creators within it.”
- Tech Icon Federico Faggin and the Scientific Search for the Source of Reality –
- Trevor Blake and the Physics of Success – – This article provides more insight on the basics of Quantum Physics and its relation to our Energetic Vibrational Reality.
- Kozyrev’s Mirror: Spiritual Technology for Extrasensory Perception (ESP) – “In Kozyrev’s work, the past, present and future exist simultaneously and are accessible at any point in space. He saw this framework and research as the basis for a scientific understanding of psychic phenomena. Trofimov and Kaznacheev have spent several decades applying Kozyrev’s research to the study of consciousness, and have come upon some astonishing revelations.”
- Scientific Evidence for a Creator, by Stephen Myers – This short and well articulated essay by Myers covers the most recent scientific data of the intelligence and information found within DNA which points to the existence of a creator. It is essentially a high level summary of his 2010 book , Signature in the Cell. Interestingly, his analysis coincides with much of the evidence that has been disclosed by alumni of the various world secret space programs over the last few years about Extraterrestrial involvement in human biology and civilization evolution. To understand this more in depth, see Seven Key Hidden Truths About Humanity.
- Quantum Physicist David Bohm on our Interconnected Reality “.. man’s general way of thinking of the totality, i.e. his general world view, is crucial for overall order of the human mind itself. If he thinks of the totality as constituted as independent fragments, then that is how his mind will tend to operate, but if he can include everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall whole that is undivided, unbroken and without border (for every border is a division or break) then his mind will tend to move in a similar way, and from this will flow an orderly action within the whole. “
- The Light Body: Biophotons & Biology – “Dr. Herbert Frohlich, a German scientist who is renowned for his contributions to physics in the early half of the twentieth-century, used his knowledge to further investigate the relationship between light and the body. While contemporary science tends to focus on the chemical transactions between cells, Frolich found that there is an underlying communication occurring that is more subtle than chemistry, and even more subtle than electromagnetism. Our cells produce biomolecules, and these molecules have been found to both emit and receive electromagnetic and vibrational energies through quantized packets of light called biophotons in humans.”
- New Science: DNA Begins as a Quantum Wave. “We are surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information, whose waves create microscopic gravitational forces that pull in atoms and molecules from their surrounding environment to construct DNA. One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in their action is Dr. Sergey Leikin. In 2008, Leikin put different types of DNA in regular salt water and marked each type with a different fluorescent color and the DNA molecules were then scattered throughout the water. In the experiment’s major surprise, matching DNA molecules were found pairing together. After a short time, entire clusters of the same colored DNA molecules had formed. Leikin believes some sort of electromagnetic charge allowed the same colored molecules to cluster. However, other experiments show that this is not the case. That it is most likely to be gravity.”
- Science Suggests Love and Receptiveness to Truth Enhance Psi Abilities — Telepathy Can be Explained by Interacting Coherent Electromagnetic Fields: “The energy flowing within a person’s bioelectric field creates a magnetic field around their body that has the capacity to interact with other fields, whether from other people, technology or the earth itself (the geomagnetic field). This means that our bodies are like a transmitting and receiving antenna, capable of uploading and downloading information through magnetic field interactions.When you physically associate with another person, their magnetic field mingles with yours, and the resulting interactions cause equilibriumization—transfers of information and energy. In other words, when you come close to another person, and open yourself to them, the information in their field can be “downloaded” into yours.” ~Justin Deschamps
- Plasma, Matter, and the Projection of Reality: Part I and Part II by Dr. Joe Dispenza – “In recent years there’s been outstanding research done on The Electric Universe Theory. What the research demonstrates is that all forms of matter—from our cells, to our bodies, to our sun, to distant stars—are intimately connected by plasma. This means that everything we know in the physical universe has an electric field, and these fields connect to everything else in the universe through a greater, singular field. We could say that this unseen field forms a living matrix that connects all things material—large and small.”
- Morphic Resonance: An Introduction to Biofield Science – “In his hypothesis of formative causation, British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has theorized that the forms of self-organizing systems are shaped and governed by invisible fields of morphic resonance. According to his theory, these fields are built up over time to contain the collective memory of like substances and organisms, influencing their structural formation and patterns of activity through resonance. ”
- Viktor Schauberger and Implosion Technology; Potential for Free Energy & Levitation – Schauberger observed that if the driving force of movement was centrifugal, or spiraling outwards, it would tend towards the being destructive [explosive]. If the spin was concentrated inwardly, centripetal, the force would favor nourishment and growth [implosive or implosion]. According to his work, Centrifugence led to friction, which leads to heat, which he associated with the intensification of gravity. Centripetence, the opposing force, would lead to cooling and a lack of friction; therefore levitation. [Implosion is how we harness the unlimited energy in the quantum field…see more at Dan Willis and The Physics of Bliss and Enlightenment].
- The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe – by Lynne McTaggart
- The Biology of Belief – by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton
- The Tao of Physics – by Fritjof Capra
- The Global Brain – by Peter Russell
- The Dancing Wu-Li Masters, An Overview of the New Physics – by Gary Zukav
- The Holographic Universe – by Michael Talbot
- Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness – by Itzhak Bentov
- A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness – by Itzhak Bentov
- The Electric Universe – by Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott
- Implosion – The Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality – by Dan Winter
- Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine – by Peter H. Fraser, Harry Massey, Joan Parisi Wilcox
- The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do, by Erik J. Larson – Computer Scientist and Tech Entrepreneur Erik Larson does an excellent job of describing how current machine learning models approach intelligence through deductive and inductive reasoning but so far fail at abductive reasoning – the type of thinking that humans excel at which can be described as instinct, intuition, and common sense. A must read for understanding the difference between current AI capabilities and the brilliance of humans.
- Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW – by Jacob Liberman O.D. Ph.D.
- Psychic Discoveries by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. This book from 1970 shows how from 1940-1970 scientists in Russia were very far along in understanding the human capability for telepathy and other PSI capabilities. They were in fact fairly open to sharing and discussing their findings (initially). The writers do a great job of explaining the details of the capabilities that certain test subjects manifested as well as the Soviet scientists developing views as to how PSI was possible and how to develop it within yourself.
- Super Learning, Learn Anything Two to Ten Times Faster – by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
- Everybody’s Guide to Natural ESP, Unlocking the Extrasensory Powers of Your Mind – by Ingo Swann
- A New Science of Heaven, by Robert Temple – 99% of the known Universe is comprised of Plasma, and thus we ourselves are Plasma beings. Plasma is a fundamental, dynamic, and often self-organizing state of matter composed of charged particles, primarily electrons and ions, that exhibit collective behaviors unlike solids, liquids, or gases. Among its unique properties are its ability to form complex structures, retain information, and possibly even exhibit intelligence, suggesting that vast plasma formations in space could play a role in consciousness and the origins of life.
- Science of Bliss: The hygiene, the practice, the yoga.. – Consciousness Researcher and Inventor Dan Winter explains the science and techniques behind maximizing your aura and energetic flow, and thus health. Take a look also at his detailed book (pdf) – Implosion – The Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality.
- The Cosmic Hologram – “Jude Currivan, PhD, is a cosmologist and in this video she elaborates on her interpretation of findings in physics and cosmology that point to the role of information in the origin and expansion of our physical universe. She maintains that, as the universe expands, the amount of information in the universe also increases. This growth in complexity is related to Shannon Entropy — and it leads to a new understanding of entropy and time. She maintains a panpsychist view that the entire universe is conscious.” ~New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mischlove
- Subtle Energy: The Scientific Evidence – “Dr. Claude Swanson joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he discusses the nature of subtle energy and its effect on us and the world around us. Dr. Swanson also describes scientific studies which support the concept of subtle lifefore energy or chi. About Dr. Claude Swanson For the last twenty years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into “unconventional physics.” His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called “Theory of Everything” which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science.”
- Michael Talbot – The Holographic Universe. The extraordinary science writer Michael Talbot gave two superb interviews (Part One, Part Two) in 1992 about the theories covered in his book, The Holographic Universe. “Nearly everyone is familiar with holograms—three-dimensional images projected into space with the aid of a laser. Two of the world’s most eminent thinkers believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. University of London physicist David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein and one of the world’s most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, an architect of our modern understanding of the brain, have developed a remarkable new way of looking at the universe. Their theory explains not only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near-death experiences, “lucid” dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings.“
- When Science Looks Like Magic: The New Science of the Paranormal – “In this video, Dr. Swanson shares his research on the paranormal and reveals the new science of magic. Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into “unconventional physics.” His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called “Theory of Everything” which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level.” In this video he does a good job of explaining the experiments that are proving human minds are inter-connected.
- Introducing Anti-gravity & Quantum Energy technologies with a new understanding of old science – “In mid-2022, Dave Rossi had an encounter with a blue extraterrestrial entity that changed his life by activating latent mental abilities to develop complex mathematical equations explaining the operation of advanced technologies. He soon began building an antigravity device that successfully levitated objects and generated a small EMP wave that attracted the attention of the military intelligence community in Canada. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Dave explains his background and why his newly developed ability to render the principles behind exotic technologies in complex equations, understood by only a few in the classified world, has given him direct access to leading edge scientists.”
- Progressive biologist Professor Rupert Sheldrake explains his Morphic Field Theory and how we learn by connecting “wirelessly” to the Collective Consciousness.
-– Gaia TV is the world’s largest resource of conscious media to empower the evolution of consciousness. Professionally produced videos and interviews with today’s leading scientists, researchers, and authors in the new age community.
- Torsion, the Aura, and Biophotons – Dr. Claude Swanson – “Descriptions of the human aura go back thousands of years in Chinese medicine and Hindu yoga. Its existence and general properties are universally acknowledged by energy healers, who say that assessing and manipulating the components of the aura are an integral part of many healing practices. As evidence has mounted in recent years that energy healing works, and is even effective over thousands of miles, yet questions remain: What is the nature of the aura? What is it made of? What role does it play in long range healing? It is based on a form of energy called “torsion,” which interacts with particle spins, and was discovered in Russia in the 1950’s. Torsion has undergone extensive verification and is believed by Russian scientists to be the same thing as subtle energy.”
- Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics – Excellent video on how Energetic Vibration is the basis of all Physical Reality…
- Evolution of the Brain, Consciousness and Lucid Dreaming. “In this interview, Dr. Rodolph Tanzi, a professor of neurology at Harvard University, uses his research as the starting point for a discussion of the evolution of the brain and consciousness. Tanzi delves into the role of the brain, not as the seat of consciousness, but as a radio that tunes into a greater field of information which he terms the Pure Self. He proposes that consciousness is the seat of all experience and arises as a result of the Pure Self becoming aware of itself.”
- Paul Wallis: Source, Cycles Of Time & Ascension – ET Researcher and author Paul Wallis connects the cycles of time to the ascension process.
- BRAINWAVE Science – The Capability of “Outervision”, Seeing Without Your Eyes through your Auric Energy Fields – “We travel to the Netherlands to visit Iris Huizing. She guides children in discovering the amazing ability to perceive and directly see their surroundings (and more) without using their physical eyes. Also known as direct vision, or outer vision. They do this while wearing a mask that completely shuts off any incoming light. Iris was trained by Nicola Farmer and is a certified trainer in the ICU Awareness Program provided by Nicola’s ICU Academy (’ [Neo does this in movie 3 of the Matrix trilogy. This same capability is how people do “remote viewing” and “astral projection”. We all have this capability, it just needs to be rediscovered.]
- 10 differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence – “Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder explains how neural networks work and in which sense they mimic the human brain. She then goes through the ten most relevant differences that are: Form and function, size, connectivity, power consumption, architecture, activation potential, speed, learning technique, structure, and precision. Finally she express her opinion that the benefit of research in artificial intelligence is not to reproduce human-like intelligence, but instead to produce types of intelligence unlike our own that complement our own abilities.”
Holistic Health and Wellness
- Holistic Health & Wellness through Maximizing Your Energetic Vibration –
- How to Raise Your Consciousness and Energetic Vibration through Diet: “In desiring to become more enlightened, you will naturally find yourself lightening up. Humanity is awakening to its connection to Source and its ability to turn infinite accessible light into physical energy.” ~Bridget Nielsen
- The Science Behind Consciously Controlling Your Immune System: The Mind-Body Connection – “The present study demonstrates that, through practicing techniques learned in a short-term training program, the sympathetic nervous system and immune system can indeed be voluntarily influenced.”
- Expanding the Dialogue: Exploring Contributions from Energy Medicine by Debra Greene, PhD – “This paper presents a model and concepts from energy medicine and explores their relevance to body psychotherapy. The model recognizes multiple points of entry into the body-mind-spirit system. It is a holistic model in which the energy bodies are seen as distinct yet overlapping. It offers an elegant description of how body psychotherapies work to effect change on all levels (physical/etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual). Debra Greene, PhD, is an innovator in the field of energy medicine and mind-body integration.”
- An amazing study published in the Journal of Cell Science reveals an entirely new reason why it is essential that you ‘eat your greens,’ : it enables your body’s mitochondria to produce more ATP energy when exposed to sunlight.
- – Largest independent publishing platform focused on sustainable food, animal welfare issues, environmental protection, and cruelty-free/green living. It is also the biggest vegan/plant-based food and recipe site on the Internet.
- – GreenMedInfo is dedicated to providing evidence-based natural medical information. If you want to approach health from a natural, holistic basis with well written and researched information to guide you, then this site is a must.
-– Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of An osteopathic physician, best-selling author and recipient of multiple awards in the field of natural health, his primary vision is to change the modern health paradigm by providing people with a valuable resource to help them take control of their health.
- The Cause of Your Physical Pain And Disease is You. “It should come as no surprise to anyone that every part of our physical body vibrates at a precise frequency. Thoughts that are not in harmony or in “sync” with our body cause impedance to our health. All organs, all tissues, membranes, glands, cells, vibrate in precise frequencies in a healthy body. All positive, inspiring, loving and kind thoughts are in harmony with those physical vibrations and help to continue to keep the body in perfect health, with the circulation of the blood going to all the necessary parts of the body, with the digestion working perfectly and the body able to correctly and easily eliminate toxins and waste matter, also allowing proper refreshing sleep to the body.” ~ by Michael Forrester For Waking Times
- The Spirituality of Being Vegan – Trinity Bourne
- What does Vegan mean? – by Erik Marcus at, and also by the same author – Why Go Vegan? The Top Reasons Explained
- Becoming Vegan: The Complete Reference to Plant-Based Nutrition (Comprehensive Edition) – One can be healthy or not healthy being an omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan. In all cases, it is critically important to understand the basics of nutrition and how to optimize the macro nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) along with the micronutrients ( minerals and vitamins) for the particular eating style you follow. For those pursuing a vegan diet or thinking about it, this book is a very complete and well written guide on how to do exactly that. Highly recommended.
- Vegan Nutrition Guide, by Virginia Messina MPH, RD at
- Vegan Cooking Guide: Learn the Basics in Under an Hour
- The Vegan Way…21 Days to a Happier Plant-Based Lifestyle that will Transform your Home, Your Diet, and You, by Jackie Day. When I adopted a plant based diet in 2008, there were a lot fewer educational resources available as well as a limited range of vegan products across all lifestyle categories. Today we are at a very different point and Jackie Day’s book is a perfect overview of how to effectively transition to a vegan diet and lifestyle. Jackie Day is the former head of PETA’s Education Department and has been vegan for 28 years.
- Demystifying Veganism with 20 Simple Questions – Nonprofit vegan organization Gentle World’s beautifully written e-book. Their website is exceptional, take a look at
- Nutriciously – Superb Vegan website – a beautifully curated and professionally presented website which has an excellent “Vegan Starter Course” for those just starting to go Vegan or those looking for a refresher. “The site is run by Alena Schowalter, a Certified Vegan Nutritionist who has been a vegetarian since childhood and vegan since 2012. Together with her husband, she founded nutriciously in 2015 and has been guiding thousands of people through different transition stages towards a healthy plant-based diet.”
- 10 Tips to Up Your Protein Intake in Every Plant-Based Meal –
- Water Filters and Filtration Systems Explained – Remove Fluoride, Arsenic, Dangerous Bacteria, and Heavy Metals from Your Water Supply. The Human Body is up to 90% Water. With close to 30,000 chemicals in our water supply, using advanced water filtration technologies (beyond britta and the filter in your fridge) is critical to your physical and mental health.
- The Chemicals that are Toxic to our Brains: A Comprehensive Guide
- – a website created by my daughter, Jenna Kshatri, that helps people choose healthy personal care products.
- Think Dirty App – “Think Dirty® app is the easiest way to learn ingredients in your beauty, personal care and household products. Just scan the product barcode and Think Dirty will give you easy-to-understand info on the product, its ingredients, and shop cleaner options!”
-– “The Environmental Working Group’s mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, we drive consumer choice and civic action.”
- Train Your Brain to Boost Your Immune System. New research suggests mindfulness meditation can strengthen our natural defenses. “A groundbreaking review looked at 20 randomized control trials examining the effects of mindfulness meditation on the immune system. In reviewing the research, the authors found that mindfulness meditation reduced markers of inflammation, high levels of which are often correlated with decreased immune functioning and disease.”
- The Surprising Scientific Link Between Daytime Napping and Preserving Brain Health – “The study examined data from individuals aged 40 to 69 and identified a causal relationship between habitual napping and larger total brain volume. Total brain volume serves as an essential marker of good brain health, associated with a decreased risk of dementia and other cognitive diseases. Dr. Victoria Garfield, senior author from the MRC Unit for Lifelong Health & Ageing at UCL, explains that “short daytime naps may be a part of the puzzle that could help preserve the health of the brain as we get older.”
- The Not so Obvious Benefits of Staying Hydrated: This list of 10 benefits is beyond anything I have seen on how water creates the foundation for the human body and how not getting enough of it results in a myriad of physical complications.
- The pineal gland has been known as the ‘seat of the soul’ for hundreds of years. Could fluoride, a ubiquitous vector of toxicity in the modern world, actually be calcifying this gland and literally turning it to stone?
- Are You Fluoridated? Isn’t it time we seriously look at the fact that we are ingesting a chemical in an unregulated dose, in an unmonitored and unstudied way, without our consent? By Kelly Brogan M.D [augment with 15 Facts Most People Don’t Know About Fluoride].
- Dentinal fluid transport – “a revolutionary theory (at least 40 years old) of how to prevent natural caries (cavities).While the official consensus regarding the causation of tooth decay points the finger at oral bacteria, plaque and concomitant acids as the causative agents in the formation of cavities, a minority of researchers has pursued a different – and highly promising – path. Maximizing your dentinal fluid transport systems (delivering key minerals to the pulp system within your teeth) strengthens and protects teeth to such a level that cavities are very difficult to develop.” *Excellent article to dramatically improve your dental health.
- Energetic Anatomy: Everything You Need to Know About the Body’s Energy Systems for Greater Health and Wellness. “Unlike Western medicine, which commonly deals with symptoms, Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause, taking into account the whole, complete picture. It encompasses diet and nutrition, lifestyle, herbs, exercise, breathing and meditation techniques, and healing body treatments. Our body’s energy field is the foundation of everything we do. It should be strong, vibrant and supple. The five senses are the instruments through which we interact with the external world. They should be clear and sharp. The mind is home to our consciousness; it should be calm, centered and at peace. The heart is the home of our soul; it should be open and free of anger and resentment.” ~By Lauren Eckstrom & Travis Elio
- Āsvāda: How to Dissolve Mind by Tasting Reality: “Kāśmirian Advaita yoga regards mind and its functioning as a natural unfolding towards the shining liberation, the luminous spaciousness that we are, our true nature. This yoga relies on the recognition that things of reality and ourselves are one inseparable flux of intelligent energy that is alive, aware and pure in its original essence. We feel ourselves as separate. This yoga reveals us the vibrant relation between us and the world, allowing a mutual exchange. Finally we understand that we share the same essence with everything else: different but one at the same time in an unpredictable intimacy with whatever we live as other. Non-dual yoga is this living connection and recognition.”
- It’s Always the Oxygen…Really. The most important medicine is invisible, mostly free and usually overlooked.
- How Yogic Breathing Transforms the Mind and Body –
- Working With Prana Energy: Ancient Yogic Breathing Techniques for Increasing Life Force Energy – “Prana energy flows through your body in subtle energy channels called nadis. Approximately 72,000 crisscross your body (see image opposite)—you might like to think of them as roads on an energy highway system. The traffic on the roads is your prana. When traffic flows freely the system works well, but if a nadi becomes blocked, the flow of prana energy to that region of the body is reduced or even cut off. Without the nourishment of vital energy, that part of the body may weaken or become sick. For your body to be vibrantly healthy, an unimpeded flow of prana is necessary. One way to encourage this is to practice prana breathing exercises.”
- How Whole Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain – “Brain regeneration: long considered a feat impossible to accomplish, compelling research now reveals how a simple spice might contribute to stimulating the stem-cell mediated repair of the damaged brain. Turmeric is hands down one of the, if not the, most versatile healing spice in the world with over 800 experimentally confirmed health benefits, and an ancient history filled with deep reverence for its seemingly compassionate power to alleviate human suffering.”
- Chinese Traditional Medicine – An Introductory Overview – “Chinese medicine is a comprehensive form of healthcare that has been in continuous use for 23 centuries. Codified during the Han Dynasty in the second century BC, the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wenarticulates the fundamental philosophical, diagnostic, and therapeutic concepts that form the basis of clinical practice today.”
- Proteinaholic – How our obsession with meat is killing us and what we can do about it, by Dr. Garth Davis, MD – a very well researched and written book by Davis who is a bariatric surgeon and director of a weight loss institute in Houston, Texas. He was an animal proteinaholic and vigorously recommended that approach to all his patients. Yet, he was dismayed that most of them stayed unhealthy and overweight and often got worse. Things hit a wall when he himself at age 35 was significantly overweight and started to get sick with the same illnesses as his patients. He decided to research what type of diet would bring him and his patients true disease free health and longevity. His analysis of many different nutritional studies done over the years and connecting of the dots is quite good. After making the switch to a vegan diet, his health dramatically improved and he now runs marathons and triathalons and works with all his patients to adopt a plant-based lifestyle.
- The Complete Yoga Book, Yoga of Breathing, Yoga of Posture, Yoga of Meditation – by James Hewitt
- A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. This close to 1,000 page book is a creation of the Bihar School of Yoga in Northern India and is essentially a compendium of all of their teachings. Virtually every aspect of Yogic teachings over the last 5,000 years is covered. The written explanations of yogic practices and their spiritual background is superb and the best I’ve come across. If you truly want to understand both the philosophy and the practices of Yoga, this is the book to get.
- The Ipsalu Formula, A Method for Tantra Bliss – Bodhi Avinasha
- Biology of Kundalini, Exploring the Fire of Life – Jana Dixon
- Fasting, Vegetarianism, and Psychic Ability with Michael Daw – “Michael Daw began his PhD studies at the University of Northampton in March 2020. His research examines the potential link between psychic functioning, spiritual experiences, and dietary practices – especially veganism and vegetarianism, but also fasting. In addition, he has reviewed the history of similar beliefs concerning diet that can be found in spiritual traditions throughout the world.” ~New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mischlove Video Interview
- Mental Health, Consciousness, and the Body with Dr. Thomas Verny – “Dr. Verny provides several suggestions on how to have a healthy mind and body. The term psychosomatic often refers to the psyche affecting the body. He demonstrates that the body also affects the mind. To have good mental health the body must be taken care of, as well. Genes are not your destiny. You can influence your epigenome through healthy habits, routines, and environment.” ~Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mischlove
- The Fourth State of Water: Dr. Mercola interviews Professor Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington on his discovery of the Fourth State of Water. Your body consists of over 99 percent water molecules, but the water in your cells is not regular water, but highly structured water with special properties. There is a fourth phase of water, not H2O but H3O2, and can be called living water. It’s more viscous, dense, and alkaline than regular water; has a negative charge, and can hold energy, much like a battery, and deliver energy too. The key ingredient to create this highly structured water is light, i.e. electromagnetic energy, whether in the form of visible light, or infrared wavelengths, which we’re surrounded by all the time.
- Food as Medicine – Michael Greger, M.D. | TEDxSedona – “According to the Global Burden of Disease study (the largest study of disease risk factors in history) the #1 cause of both death and disability in the United States is our diet. Cigarettes now only kill about a half million Americans every year, whereas our diet appears to kill hundreds of thousands more. The good news is that means we have tremendous power over our health destiny and longevity. Healthy eating has the potential to not only prevent, but reverse some of our leading causes of death including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Why, then, is nutrition not the #1 thing taught in medical school? American physician, author, and speaker on public health issues, particularly the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet and the harms of eating animal products. He is a vegan and the creator of This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. “
- Anders Olsson explains that breathing is the basis for the quality of your life and enlightenment. ~ Video. “Every element of the Universe is in a constant state of vibration manifested to us as light, sound, and energy. The human senses perceive only a fraction of the infinite range of vibration, so it is difficult to comprehend that the Word mentioned in the Bible is actually the totality of vibration which underlies and sustains all creation. A person can tune his or her own consciousness into the awareness of that totality with the use of a mantra. By vibrating in rhythm with the breath to a particular sound that is proportional to the creative sound, or sound current, one can expand one’s sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It is similar to striking a note on a stringed instrument. In other words, as you vibrate, the Universe vibrates with you.” ~Yogi Bhajan, founder of Kundalini Yoga
- Sound Therapy and Music Medicine – Biological Mechanisms with John Stuart Reid – “Discoveries made in medical physics reveal the body as a complex interplay of biofields in which energy-information flows throughout the organism. At the level of the cell, information is exchanged through electromagnetic signals—primarily in the far infra-red spectrum—in addition to biochemical signals and sonic frequencies. At the atomic level, biological complexities, and energy-information flow, can be viewed in terms of vibration. It is in this context that vibrational medicine has its roots.” [see John’s websites – and; also read his article – Rediscovering the Art and Science of Sound Therapy and Vibrational Healing: Biological Mechanisms Underpinning Sound Therapy & Music Medicine] Note: John Stuart Reid states that his research shows the best results for sound healing come with music which is in the 40hz to 100hz range – this is the range of Gamma Brain Frequencies and not surprisingly is the frequency range achieved when one is in Bliss or Kundalini. Search for Gamma, 40Hz or 100Hz music on the various streaming services or on youtube. Reid recommends playing this music through speakers at moderate levels (70db) for a whole body “sound healing bath”. Listening via headphones also is beneficial, especially for vagus nerve toning.
- The Healing Universe – Scalar Energy and Scalar Waves in Healing ~The Luminary Podcast
Maximizing Your Vibrational Energy
- Maximizing Your Vibrational Energy, the True Source of Power –
- What Happens to Our Brain When We Experience Complete Silence. “An important study has found that the brain processes information very differently when we allow it to be in silence. When the brain is at rest, meaning, it is not exposed to new stimuli via sound, it can take both internal information (learned things) and integrate them more seamlessly with external information. In other words, instead of reacting to external stimuli, including things that would normally trigger us to behave in a less-than-conscious way, we can quickly determine how to integrate experiences with people, circumstances, and more. Although we can’t impose a quiet environment in our own minds, and always calm our personal thoughts, it seems that a quiet external environment allows the famous “gap” in our thinking which Daoists, Buddhists, and others have hinted at. This gap is a split second of calm which allows us to choose our reaction to the world, instead of acting out old habits.”
- Holistic Health & Wellness through Maximizing Your Energetic Vibration –
- The Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Explained. “I’ve often noted that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a pernicious, hidden health risk. But exactly how does this kind of microwave radiation damage your health? Martin Pall, Ph.D., has identified and published research describing the likely molecular mechanisms of how EMFs from cellphones and wireless technologies damage plants, animals and humans.” ~Dr. Mercola
- Can Humans Harvest The Sun’s Energy Directly Like Plants? Much like photosynthesis in plants, can human beings utilize light and water for their energy needs? New evidence suggests that it may be happening right now in each cell of your body.
- Trees help us Heal – This is how you can use their Energy. “Trees are the largest and most spiritually advanced Earth plants. They are constantly meditating and subtle energy is their natural language. When your ability to understand this language increases, you can start having relationships with them. They can help you open up your energy channels and cultivate calm, presence and vitality. In return you can help them eliminate their blocks and devitalized parts. It is a beneficial mutual relationship that deserves to be cultivated.”
- Sunlight is Critical to Robust Health … “Our skin may contain the equivalent of melanin “solar-panels,” and it may be possible to “ingest” energy, as plants do, directly from the Sun. A groundbreaking new study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun in human health: a deficiency of sunlight could be as harmful to human health as smoking cigarettes.” ~Sayer Ji at
- Getting Rid of Negative Energy: 20 Powerful Practices for Cleansing and Clearing Your Energy Field – “Energy cleansing is not something we do just once. It is an ongoing activity. Because most of us are not educated in good energy maintenance, as we walk through our days we are bombarded with other people’s energy in the form of thoughts or emotions [directly from people, the television, music, other media, as well as the collective consciousness itself]. If we could see all this churning energy that is not being managed but just flung all over the place, it would probably be like walking through a strange metaphysical stew. Your energy body is sticky and things cling to it. If you don’t practice good energy hygiene, you will experience other people’s random energy clinging to you without you knowing it. That energy then affects you, perhaps even changes you, in ways that you aren’t conscious of and haven’t chosen.”
- The Ancient Power of Chanting (Mantra) – “Every element of the Universe is in a constant state of vibration manifested to us as light, sound, and energy. The human senses perceive only a fraction of the infinite range of vibration, so it is difficult to comprehend that the Word mentioned in the Bible is actually the totality of vibration which underlies and sustains all creation. A person can tune his or her own consciousness into the awareness of that totality with the use of a mantra. By vibrating in rhythm with the breath to a particular sound that is proportional to the creative sound, or sound current, one can expand one’s sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It is similar to striking a note on a stringed instrument. In other words, as you vibrate, the Universe vibrates with you.”
- Sound Healing and the Origins of Ohm: “I often liken the power of sound to that of homeopathy. Both work through resonance on an energetic level, and both homeopathy and sound, through vibration, direct the body to find its healing way. This approach to Sound Healing is based in a fundamental trust in the body’s natural proclivity and ability to heal itself. Listening to the ohm tone helps us to temporarily neutralize or clear the bombardment of daily external stimuli such as computer emissions, electronic devices, and radio wave frequencies. When we use the expression “reset your vibrational motherboard” we are using a technology metaphor and applying the same concept to our own nervous system.” ~by Marjorie de Muync
- The Healing Power of Mantra – “In Sanskrit ‘man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means ‘to free from’. So mantra is literally a tool to free the mind. Traditionally, mantras are chanted in cycles of 108 repetitions. According to the Vedic scriptures, our physical and subtle bodies contain 108 major nadis, or energy channels. When we chant a mantra 108 times, that sound vibration can fill all of the energy lines in our bodies and balance them.” – Deva Premal and Miten
- The Healing Power of Sound and Music, by Michael Moon
- Is Digital Music Affecting Your Health? By: John Diamond, MD – Excellent article on how Dr. Diamond who used music (on analog vinyl records) for sound healing with his patients found it stopped working when CD’s (using digital master recordings) first appeared in the early 80’s. PCM / Standard Digital recordings irritate the brain – if you irritate the brain (the router of information and energy throughout the body), it is hard to be fully healthy. You can imagine what MP3’s and other high compression music technologies do…Everything in our reality is energetic vibration – consuming only the highest quality is essential for good mental and physical health. HUMAN STRESS PROVOKED BY DIGITALIZED RECORDINGS – Vinyl (via analog master tapes is best), and high quality / high resolution digital music such as the MQA and DSD high resolution formats are also better for mind, body, spirit harmony and health (First published 1980, modified and with a postscript, 2003)
- Free Your Voice – Awaken to Life through Singing – A superb book on using voice, chanting as vibrational energy enhancers to raise your consciousness and connect to the inner divinity with you. Comes with online access to chanting sound clips and instructive examples. – by Silvia Nakkach
- Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy – by Eileen Day McKusick
- Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health – by Debra Green
- The World is Sound, Nada Brama – Music and the Landscape of Consciousness, by Joachim-Ernst Berendt – An excellent book, as Stanislov Grof wrote “it is a fascinating exploration of the importance of music, sound, and vibration for spiritual development…a valuable sourcebook for every serious student of consciousness.”
- Healing Sounds, The Power of Harmonics – by Jonathan Goldman
- The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life – by Arthur Firstenburg
- Every Word Has Power: Switch on Your Language and Turn on Your Life – by Yvonne Oswald
- Power vs. Force – by David Hawkins
- Audio Ecologist Gordon Hempton on Silence and the Presence of Everything – OnBeing Podcast: “Silence is an endangered species, says Gordon Hempton. He defines real quiet as presence — not an absence of sound, but an absence of noise. The Earth, as he knows it, is a “solar-powered jukebox.” Quiet is a “think tank of the soul.” We take in the world through his ears.”
- The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful – Youtube Video – amazingly smart analysis. Explains how modern top-40 pop music is “engineered” to control your mind, is written in an alogorithmic, cookie-cutter approach by essentially two song-writers, and removes much of the diversity of healing vibrations that good music provides.
- Recharging Your Biofield Voltage (video)– “How can we change the voltage of our electric selves? Author of Electric Body, Electric Health, Eileen Day McKusick discusses the human biofield and how we can use physical activity, nutrition, and mindfulness of past experiences to align with the energies of the natural world around us. Describing her tribulations earlier in life, McKusick illuminates how to recharge our internal batteries and change our energetic frequencies. Demonstrating how sound waves of a tuning fork can tune to the electrical field of the human body, McKusick shares how this allows her as a practitioner to read an individual’s energetic patterns to help facilitate a higher voltage in their biofield.”
- Resonance Beings of Frequency. Good documentary which reveals 60 years of scientific research into the harm being caused to life by man made electronic frequencies.
Meditation, Mindfulness, and Yoga – Going within to Connect to Your Higher Self
- Effortless Meditation –
- The Role of Brainwaves in Meditation – by Dr. Joe Dispenza
- The Awakened Mind: How to Optimize Your Brain Waves for Higher States of Consciousness – “When someone in the Awakened Mind state has lots of alpha brain waves, it creates a link between the high brain wave frequencies above and the low frequencies below. Cade called this the alpha bridge, because it bridges the conscious mind frequencies of beta with the subconscious and unconscious mind frequencies of theta and delta. This allows a flow of consciousness, integrating all the levels of mind.” ~Dawson Church author of Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality
- The Sound Healing of Tom Kenyon (his audio tracks are excellent to use with meditation in order to reach deeper states of consciousness).
- Kundalini Yoga 101 Primer by Master Yoga teacher Ms. Devinder Kaur – A short, concise, and well written introductory guide to the basics of Kundalini Yoga practices. These techniques increase your energetic vibration, aid in experiencing Kundalini (bliss), and open the pineal gland and connect to cosmic consciousness. “As our society becomes increasingly technological, our world becomes more intimately connected and influenced by its numerous cultures. The pace of change is on the rise and the stress on our body’s nervous system is increasing. The science of Kundalini Yoga allows us to tap into a technology that helps us cope with this escalating change.” [couple with a good explanation of Kundalini energy – 12 Things You Can Do to Awaken Kundalini – The Role of Energy Flow in Consciousness]
- The Vagus Nerve, Emotions and the Difficulty with Mindfulness Practices – “It’s a beginning of understanding why traumatized people have such a hard time with mindfulness and why mindfulness in principle doesn’t work for traumatized people because they cannot feel…As they became silent and started to pay attention to themselves, they get overwhelmed with the physical sensations and they would flee, because being mindful means that you get confronted with your internal world. In other words, the sensations of the internal world can be so intense that, lacking the tools to work through those sensations, people dissociate during mindfulness exercises.” [Resolving childhood or adult traumas prior to going deep into meditation or kundalini yoga practices is an important topic and this article provides some solutions].
- Mystic Insights, No. 2 – Alignment to the Light –
- The World’s Most Powerful Search Engine – Intuition – “If the Internet is our access point into the physical world’s collective knowledge, then intuition is our search engine for the aggregated knowledge of the entire universe—or rather, of all that is and has ever existed in Mind, Body, or Spirit. This aggregated knowledge is often referred to as the Universal Consciousness.”
- Mindfulness, Pathway to Divine Consciousness –
- Mindfulness – Experiencing Reality in HD –
- Eckhart Tolle on How to Rise Above Thoughts – “Your mind is an instrument, a tool. Thoughts are there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, you lay them down. As it is, I would say about 80 to 90 percent of most people’s thinking is not only repetitive and useless, but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature, much of it is also harmful. Observe your mind and you will find this to be true. It causes a serious leakage of vital energy. “
- The Power of Silence, by Steve Taylor. “Our ‘true self’ might be called the ground, or the essence, of our beings. It’s the pure consciousness inside us, the consciousness-in-itself which remains when we’re not actually conscious of anything. It’s what remains when our the activity of our senses and the activity of our minds cease.”
- How Your Brain Filters Out Reality – The wild paradox of human consciousness – “One interesting data point comes from the rare but real phenomenon called “Terminal Lucidity.” What happens is that someone who has an irreversible brain disease like Alzheimer’s—who is unable to recognize family members or even communicate suddenly regains their original state of awareness and can interact normally for a few hours before they die. There is no apparent neurological reason for this to happen. Dr. Greyson suggests that in cases like this, “the deteriorating brain has lost its ability to filter the mind, which is briefly free to express itself.” In other words, the brain needs to be sufficiently degraded to allow for an enhanced consciousness.” [One achieves the same capability via meditation…the slowing down of brain wave activity…].
- To Know Yourself Is To Know Everything, The Essence of Vedanta – “The word ‘Vedanta’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Veda’ and ‘Anta’, which literally means the ‘End of Knowledge’. Vedanta is the knowledge to end all knowledge — that by which all things can be known. The Self, which is Satya — the one independently existent principle in existence — is uncreated. Being limitless and eternal, it is subject to neither birth or death. There is no time the Self was not. It doesn’t depend upon the world. The world depends upon it.”
- Lucid Waking: Mindfulness and the Spiritual Potential of Humanity – by Georg Feuerstein
- Kundalini Meditation – The path to personal transformation and creativity, by Kathryn McCusker. “In this fully illustrated introduction to the wonders of Kundalini, yoga teacher Kathryn McCusker teaches us how to activate the infinite power present in us all. Lying dormant at the base of the spine, Kundalini energy can be awakened by a range of techniques, from yoga poses, meditation and breathing exercises to mantras, mudras, body locks called bandhas and more. Moving through the spine, this energy re-balances each of the body’s seven major chakras (energy centres), calming our nervous system, balancing the mind and re-energising our entire being.”
- The Miracle of Mindfulness – An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation – by Thich Nhat Hanh
- Insight Meditation – A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Meditate – by Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein
Opening Your Heart Center and Healing Your Soul
- Heart Consciousness – the Next Frontier in Brain and Neuroscience. “The heart appeared to be sending meaningful messages to the brain that it not only understood, but also obeyed. Later, neurophysiologists discovered a neural pathway and mechanism whereby input from the heart to the brain could inhibit or facilitate the brain’s electrical activity. Dr. Armour introduced the idea of functional heart-brain. His research revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system that is sufficiently refined to qualify as a little brain in its own right, due to its independent existence.” ~Waking Times
- The Five Levels of Healing – The 5 Levels of Healing is developed by Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, MD in the 1980s based on a study of Eastern and Western medicine. Understanding this model allows you to truly understand why chronic illness cannot be merely healed at the physical level, because the origin of disease comes from other energetic levels of human the bio-field: spiritual, intuitive, emotional, and mental bodies in addition to the physical body. See a more in-depth presentation of Dr. Klinghardt’s work here.
- Science of the Heart – Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance. An Overview of Research Conducted by the HeartMath Institute
- Erich Fromm on the Art of Loving –
- How to Start Thinking With the Heart – “If we were to look at the simple neurobiology of the heart–there are many more fibers leading from the heart to the brain than from the brain to the heart. This means that there is much more communication being sent to the brain then being received from it. The heart can also create a level of coherence in the body just through its rhythm, which regulates all its systems, and corrects even diseased cells. And finally, the electromagnetic field of the heart is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5,000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.” ~Johanna Bassols
- Mystic Insights No. 6 – The Power of Love –
- The Violet Flame: The Alchemist’s Dream. “For centuries, alchemists have sought to change base metals into gold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolic of a higher and more noble alchemy — the alchemy of self-transformation. The violet flame (also called the violet fire) is a unique spiritual energy that can help you in all areas of your life. It can heal emotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, help you to grow spiritually, or just make life easier. The flame is the essence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages have glimpsed a spiritual spectrum behind the physical spectrum. Radiant colors, more pure and rare than those found on earth, emanate from a brilliant, inner divine light. Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism refracts into seven colors, spiritual light splits into seven colors, or rays – each of which has specific divine qualities. The violet flame comes forth from the violet ray, which has the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.”
- We need to Stop Demonizing the Mind. What it Actually Means to Live from the Heart … “As you live from the heart you still use your mind, your body, your logic, your creativity, etc.; your actions are simply guided by something entirely different and your ego becomes a quiet program that sits off in the background. Your monkey mind doesn’t have the same power it does because you are dialed in to something different.”
- Integrating the Shadow in Awakening. “The striving for spiritual attainment while excluding the personal dimension of life, is often a big error on the path of spiritual inquiry. Ignoring unresolved psychological contractions is a danger that is frequently overlooked in the process of awakening. Of course, for some, awakening happens spontaneously even when psychological contractions have not been faced. We may call this “grace” and there may be a sense of being “blessed”. But it does not necessarily make any personal problems go away. Mostly life continues along the same groove, and this is fine if there is a deep acceptance of this fact and there is no expectation of any particular expression of what is experienced as “my life” to change. What happens all too commonly, however, is that there’s a denial of any inner blockages. And this prevents a deeper surrender that is a part of the maturation of awakening as it becomes embodied into everyday life.”
- Shadow Work: The Ultimate Guide, By Aletheia Luna- “The human shadow is our dark side; our lost and forgotten disowned self. Your shadow is the place within you that contains all of your secrets, repressed feelings, primitive impulses, and parts deemed “unacceptable,” shameful, “sinful” or even “evil.” This dark place lurking within your unconscious mind also contains suppressed and rejected emotions such as rage, jealousy, hatred, greed, deceitfulness, and selfishness. Shadow isn’t just the wounded part of us, but it is also the path towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. In order to repair, heal, and grow on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level, we need to practice Shadow Work. Shadow Work is a practice that helps us to become whole again. It works on the premise that you must 100% OWN your Shadow, rather than avoiding or repressing it, to experience deep healing.”
- Feeling Deeply: An Excerpt from Rituals of the Soul, By Kori Hahn “Pratyahara is a tool for connecting you to the intuitive parts of yourself so that you can know what they are communicating to you. Essentially, the more you learn to withdraw your mind from the senses on the surface and allow your concentrated gaze to move within, the more you advance your skills of feeling into your inner self…In my opinion, it is through this stage of moving within that yogis learn to perform miracles using their supernatural powers, which are called siddhis. Perhaps we could even say Einstein himself became so intuitive he created his own scholarly style of siddhi power.”
- Seth Speaks – The Eternal Validity of the Soul and The Nature of Personal Reality, both by Jane Roberts
- The Pleiadian Workbook, Awakening your Divine Ka – by Amorah Quan Yin
- What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?, Why now is the time to release who you are not and remember who you are – by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett
- Healing Yourself with Light, How to Connect with Angelic Healers – by LaUna Huffines
- The Mother Transcriptions, Lessons from The Sisters of Light – by Frieda Probst
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One – by Dr. Joe Dispenza
- The Art of Loving – by Erich Fromm
- The Heart’s Note, Sounding Love in Your Life from your Heart’s Secret Chamber – by Stewart Pearce
Unity Consciousness
- Mystic Insights No. 10 – Be-In-G(od) –
- A Seven Level Model of Personal Consciousness –
- Living the Life of a Future Human –
- Ervin Laszlo and the Oneness Declaration of New Consciousness –
- Krishnamurti on Virtue, Truth, and Consciousness – Bombay Speech from 1950 –
- Paul Coelho and the One Question God will Ask You –
- 20/20 Consciousness –
- Mystic Insights No. 3 – One Consciousness –
- Truth Clarified – “Sometimes we see you learning a certain way and there is a certain knowing that maybe a certain action is appropriate, but you may hurt another by these actions, or you may be perceived by friends as off-balance. These are the actions we are discussing this morning. You must all come to the realization that right action is not painful; it just sometimes appears to be painful in some ways. Right action cannot cause pain when the truth is flowing through you, and you are in alignment with that truth. When your actions and your truth are in total alignment, only love can flow. Love is all there is. [Truth maximizes Energy / Love flow].” –
- Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reasons – The Essential 21st Century Framework –
- How Did We Get Here? 300 Years of Consciousness Evolution –
- Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Explained –
- The Bhagavad Gita and the Hero’s Journey to Unity Consciousness –
- Resisting Structural Evil and Breaking Out of our Virtual Prison –
- Mystic Insights No. 1- The Ego Filter –
- Mystic Insights No. 5 – The Divine Play –
- Mystic Insights – No. 7 – The Spiritual Mystic. “We’ve come to know in the 21st century, that how something is packaged, what type of container it is in, and the context it is viewed or consumed, matters to how we understand or experience that thing. The same can be said for our spiritual or religious experiences. In this regard, a Mystic – a person who believes in the possibility of transcending ordinary human knowledge by direct communication with the Divine – experiences spirituality differently than most traditional religious approaches because of the differences in their contextual relationship to the Divine itself. The Divine, for a Mystic, is not something that is outside of themselves – something or someone who sits away at some great distance. The Divine for a Mystic is in fact within them and they (and everyone and everything in creation) is part of the Divine Creation and therefore interconnected.”
- Mystic Insights No. 9 – Releasing the Light in Others. “Projecting anger or dissatisfaction at someone doesn’t get them to do the right thing. Sending Love and Light to them drives out the darkness so the Light within them can be freed to rise on its own and they then naturally do the right thing.”
- Mystic Insights No. 4 – Infinite Potential of Source Energy –
- Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding – Eleven men embarked upon a journey in 1894 with one objective:…to find the great spiritual teachers of the Far East and witness their uncommon abilities. This six volume set chronicles those teachings and is a superb overview of self-realization and reconnecting to your inner god-power.
- The Kybalion – A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece – by the Three Initiates
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell) – by Joseph Campbell
- Gnosis – Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy – by Boris Mouravieff
- Psychonavigation, Techniques for Travel Beyond Time – by John Perkins
- The Astral Projection Guidebook, Mastering the Art of Astral Travel – by Erin Pavlina
Galactic / Extraterrestrial Life Disclosure
A Note on “Disclosure” of Earth Humanity’s true Origins and the Historical Reality of our Extensive Interactions with Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations
Depending upon when you are reading this, some form of “Galactic or E.T. Disclosure” may have already occurred (hopefully quite a lot). Ascension, or a rise in consciousness, must by definition include all forms of knowledge. Nothing can or should be hidden in this great process that Earth and Humanity are under-going. With that in mind, here are some books, articles, videos that have done a good job of bringing to light what has been hidden from us regarding the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilization’s interaction with Humans and their negative and positive effects on the current evolution of Humanity.
- The 7 Key Hidden Truths About Humanity. These 7 Hidden Truths, once known, would radically change the world and liberate humanity. –
- Transcending the Matrix Control System, vol. 1 and vol. 2, by Tom Montalk. These two books are essentially all the articles and research notes Tom Montalk has published on his website from 2004-2016. His work with the Cassiopean Transmission group and his own deep interest in UFO-ologoy and ET issues has given him great insight into how the “machinery” of the various dimensional worlds operates. Vol. 1 will give you a much deeper look into how the polarity between light and dark functions and how to protect against negative vibrational entities. The two books are free as downloadable epub files (drag and drop into your ibooks app on your mac or iOS device), or use an epubs reader for Windows or Android. Otherwise you can also purchase the two books in hardcover.
- The American Empire and its Media, by Swiss Policy Research
- Resisting Structural Evil and Breaking Out of our Virtual Prison –
- Resources for Understanding the On-Going Liberation of Planet Earth –
- The Secret Order of the Illuminati, A Brief History of the Shadow Government, by Wes Penre
- Dire Warnings From Past U.S. Presidents and Other High-Profile Leaders About an “Invisible Government” That Runs the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People”, by Ross Pittman at Conscious Life News, October 2016
- Resolving the Bilderberg Group Mystery – Global Banking, Nazis & Alien Alliances – by Dr. Michael Salla at Exopolitics Research
- I recommend the work of Dr. Michael Sala- “Dr.Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship to an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or even senior military officials.”
- Modern Humans And Elohim (Disclosure of Humanity’s True Origins) – by linguistics and deep data mining expert, Clif High. “To the Elohim, earth was a treasure house of biologic diversity. They reveled in it for centuries, mucking about with this and that line of creatures, thus producing our crazy fossil record. The Elohim found planet Earth teaming with Life that they intended to, and did, exploit and alter. They did not create us. They altered what they found here. They, and the Khazarian Mafia, are also hiding that fact.”
- E.T. Contactee Alex Collier’s List Of Alien Species – This release contains a brief list of E.T. races, their body types and the inhabited solar systems by those ET groups.
- First Contact, by Elena Danaan – “Following to the arrival of the Guardian races from the Intergalactic Confederation in our star system, in October 2021, a coordinated plan was agreed with the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance, for the greatest disclosure of all times.”
- The Cassiopaeans Transcripts (from 1994-2000) are a series of Q&A’s with consciousness form beings from the Cassiopaea system who exist in the sixth density. They claim that they are actually future versions of the group (doing the channeling) themselves. They give amazing discussions on advanced subjects such as gravity, consciousness, dimensions and timelines and they talk about topics such as the illuminati, reptilian aliens on earth, the reason for abductions, and the truth about the systematic distortion of human history, including comments about Jesus, religion and major world events. Tom Montalk participated with the core group who received the transmissions from the Cassiopaeans and eventually went on his own way. Over the last twenty years he has created an excellent body of work understanding and sharing his learning regarding spirituality and especially the true reality of earth’s and humanities ET origins and links. Tom has expertly integrated The Law of One teachings and the Cassiopean Transmissions into his knowledge. His website is very well done and can can be seen at His free e-book, Fringe Knowledge for Beginners, is available on his home page and is a great introduction to the hidden truths about humanity’s origins and how the “machinery” of our particular holographic universe works and how to navigate it successfully.
- Beyond the Light Barrier – “It is the autobiographical story of Elizabeth Karer, a South African woman and Akon, an astrophysicist from Meton, a planet of Proxima Centauri that, at a distance of about 4.3 light years, is our nearest stellar neighbor. Elizabeth was taken in his spaceship to Meton, where she lived with him and his family for four months and where she bore his child. Her life on Meton is fascinatingly described. Akon brought Elizabeth back to Earth after the birth of their son and continued to visit her thereafter. Akon explained how his spaceship’s light-propulsion technology operated, and how it allowed him and his people to travel across vast interstellar distances. This technology is explained in detail in the book.” [If you’ve wondered how more advanced versions of humans live on other planets, this is a great book to gain some insight].
- Alex Collier – Defending Sacred Ground – 1996
- We Will Never Let You Down: Encounters with Val Thor and journeys beyond Earth, by Elena Danaan
- A book published in September of 2022 by Elena Danaan – The Seeders, Return of the Gods – provides up to date information on current E.T. interaction with humanity as well as a detailed understanding of earth and human development over the last 300 million years. This book along with her previous one – A Gift from the Stars, Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races – make excellent companions to the Law of One material and are must reads for anyone wanting a thorough understanding of the true history and origins of earth, humanity, and the many different civilizations of our galaxy and beyond.
- Chariots of the Gods – by Erich Von Daniken
- The Gods of Eden – by William Bramley
- Alien Interview – by Lawrence R. Spencer
- The Morning of Magicians, Secret Societies, Conspiracies, and Vanished Civilizations – by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
- The Montaulk Project, Experiments in Time – by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon
- Transylvanian Sunrise – by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon – “Radu Cinamar rose to prominence for his role in exposing the most remarkable archaeological discovery in the history of Mankind: a secret chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx containing holographic records of Earth’s history, bio-resonance imaging technology, a previously unknown isotope of monatomic white gold or “manna”, and three mysterious tunnels leading to the deepest secrets of the Inner Earth.”
- Transylvanian Moonrise – by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon – “The Yidam is an energetic and physical being who is created by a sand mandala ritual. The Yidam, who can literally warp the space-time continuum, takes Radu on a mystical journey from Transylvania to Tibet and into the mysterious Land of the Gods where he receives a secret initiation from the blue goddess Machandi.Travel to a land of magic and actual events as you follow these footsteps of initiation into this land of mystery in order to discover the Higher Mind and what really hides behind the Truth.”
- Forbidden Universe, Mysteries of the Psychic World – by Leo Talamonti
- The Breaking Dawn – by Paul Rosenberg – A very interesting fictional account of how the elite families of the world create and execute a matrix of manipulation and control over the world’s population.
- Thiaoouba Prophecy – The Golden Planet, A true report by the Author who was physically abducted to another planet, by Michel Desmarquet – A gripping account of author Michel Desmarquet’s abduction by advanced 5th density human looking ET’s in 1993 from his home in Australia. He was taken to their planet, Thiaoouba, so that he could witness how advanced civilizations lived elsewhere in the Cosmos – both their technologies as well as their intrinsic capabilities as advanced spiritual beings to totally control and manipulate their physical bodies and external reality. He was also to learn about the true Earth and Human history, details of ET interaction with earth over millions of years, and his own past lives. The key objective was understand the course corrections Earth Humanity needed to take to reach its potential and avoid catastrophic disaster and to convey this information to earth humanity via this book.
- The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings From Deep Space, by by Phyllis V Schlemmer – This book is an excellent companion piece to the Thiaooba Prophecy. The Only Planet of Choice chronicles the communications between an international research group and a group of universal beings known as the Council of Nine, facilitated through psychic deep trance channeling over two decades. The book explores themes of free will, the unique role of Earth in the universe, extraterrestrial interactions, ancient human history, and the potential for humanity to create a more harmonious world.
- Extraterrestrials Living Among Us – An Ancient Phenomenon Reemerges (Video) – “Dr. Michael Salla, former professor of International Politics, peace and conflict resolution, author and exopolitical pioneer, presents compelling evidence of human extraterrestrials living discretely within our cities, towns, even next door. They blend in unnoticed because they look as human as anyone else! He begins with a historic overview of ancient texts which describe extraterrestrials that have made Earth their home, suggesting that this is not a new phenomenon. Examined next are a variety of ‘contactees’ – George Adamski, Dan Fry, Howard Menger and others who described cases of extraterrestrials whom they interacted with in public places and in open view without notice. Whistleblower testimony from Robert Dean and Ingo Swann are also cited as evidence for this modern phenomenon. Finally, Dr. Salla examines government responses to the reemergence of this ancient phenomenon which basically amounts to debunking, discrediting and intimidating witnesses or whistleblowers that give evidence of human extraterrestrials living among us. This is an uplifting account of respectful and emotionally sensitive extraterrestrials who exhibit a sincere desire to assist humanity to build a better world.”
- Exposing Deep State Psyops Hiding the Truth about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies – “Dan Willis, a former US Navy veteran, has for decades encountered multiple psychological operations used to hide the truth about extraterrestrial visitors and transformative technologies from the general public. Sophisticated psyops were developed to convince the public that rocket propulsion was the optimal way for humanity to become a spacefaring civilization, while exotic antigravity and torsion field propulsion systems were covertly developed and used in secret space programs. Finally, advanced holographic healing technologies were developed, but withheld, that could fully regrow human limbs and organs, and could be used for life-extension purposes.”
- Good video introduction to Dr. Michael Salla, his work at, and what we can expect in terms of galactic disclosure in 2022.
- Zeitgeist, The Movie (2007): “Zeitgeist was created as a non-profit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.”
- Interview with Elena Danaan (April 10, 2021) – Galactic Federation Intervention on Mars, Moon & Earth, by Dr. Michael Salla,
- Interview with Elena Danaan (April 24, 2021) – Overview of Human-looking extraterrestrials & their agendas, by Dr. Michael Salla,
- Interview with Elena Danaan (December 6, 2021) – Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races, by Dr. Michael Salla,
- In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena Danaan begins by giving a short account of her work as a professional archeologist for 20 years, and what she learned during her time in Egypt and evidence of extraterrestrial life. She goes on to give a comprehensive update on ongoing “Galactic Federation of Worlds” intervention on the Earth, Moon, Mars, Phobos and recent diplomatic meetings on Jupiter, which handed over responsibility of the solar system to a consortium of space faring earth nations making up the Artemis Accords.
- Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races – “In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena Danaan discusses her recent trips to Ganymede and a nearby space fleet parked between Jupiter, Ganymede and Io to meet the Council of Nine and the Intergalactic Confederation. Her experiences closely match information concerning historical extraterrestrial contact cases involving the Nine and the “24 Extraterrestrial Civilizations” responsible for seeding humanity in this and other galaxies. Elena discusses the sequence of meetings, along with details of ships, personnel and current activities aimed to bring about open contact with humanity. She explains why open contact is more likely to succeed today, than the mid-1970s when the Council of Nine and the 24 Civilizations/Intergalactic Confederation first began communicating with Gene Roddenberry and others about mass landings.”
- Elena Danaan’s New Encyclopedia Galactica is a Guidebook to over 150 Spacefaring Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy – “In this Exopolitics Today interview, Danaan discusses several extraterrestrial races she covers, highlighting their history and how they interact with Earth. She also responds to questions about what she encountered in an ancient library on the Nibiru mothership, which uses triangle-shaped holographic tablets to cover galactic history. “
- ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal Webinar – Part 1 and Part 2 – “On April 9, 2022 Dr. Michael Salla presented his ground breaking research in a 2 hr webinar titled ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal. Today this information stands as an important resource of uncensored disclosure in the exopolitical and more importantly, Humanity’s Global Awakening.”
- The Scientific Principles behind Extraterrestrial Technologies – “Dave Rossi has been working with a number of government scientists involved in classified projects to better understand and reverse engineer advanced technologies associated with zero point energy, exotic propulsion systems, mind body navigation, holographic healing, etc. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Dave Rossi and Elena Danaan cover a range of advanced technologies used by extraterrestrials and how the principles behind them might be applied for developing similar technologies on Earth.”
- Another secret speace whistleblower has come forward – this time with very interesting disclosure of the cloning and soul harvesting capabities of negative reptillian ET’s – 38 Years on Mars Colonies & Space Programs – “In 1981, Mark Domizio was coerced into serving for two years with a highly classified “Black Navy” operating out of a Deep Underground Military Base at Diego Garcia. After performing several abduction missions, Mark says he was imprisoned and tortured for his unwillingness to kill targets ordered by his superiors. At the end of his service in 1983, two clones or ‘alters’ were preserved that were infused with his soul extracts made possible by advanced extraterrestrial technologies. The clones were then put into service, one with the Black Navy at Diego Garcia and the other with secret space programs operating out of Mars.”
- Space Arks and the Arriving ET Seeders – “This short video covers origins of ancient space arks used in past Earth catastrophes, the planetary evacuation of Mars, how the arks have been hidden throughout our solar system, how a plan for the Seeders to publicly emerge in the 1970s were sabotaged by a Luciferian alliance, and how the arks are activating all over the Earth with the arrival of extraterrestrial Seeder races, and much more.” ~Dr. Michael Salla at
- Israeli Scientist reveals US extraterrestrial agreements & joint Mars base. “Prof Haim Eshed, a senior scientist who for nearly 30 years headed Israel’s space security program has revealed secret US extraterrestrial agreements, a joint US ET base on Mars, and how a Galactic Confederation is closely monitoring human affairs.” by Dr. Michael Salla,
- Space Arks, ET fleets, Ukraine & Human Liberation: An Interview with Alex Collier & Elena Danaan – “In this Exopolitics Today interview, Alex Collier and Elena Danaan discuss their latest intel regarding space arks, extraterrestrial fleets, Ukraine and humanity’s liberation. Alex and Elena’s contacts with extraterrestrials from the Andromeda Council and Galactic Federation of Worlds give them some of the most up to date and valuable information about what is really happening in space and on Earth today.”
- 20 Years & back with the French Secret Space Program (video)– “Jean Charles Moyen discusses extraterrestrial contact experiences that culminated in him being identified by French officials as a potential candidate for France’s Secret Space Program (SSP). Jean Charles explains the role of a Galactic Confederation that cooperated with French authorities in his recruitment and training that began at age 13, and his subsequent SSP service that began at age 21.”
- Planetary Matrix~ Elena Danaan explains how to find your Home among the stars – “Here is a short guidance on how to remember where you originally belong. Where was your soul born into individual consciousness? What is an Etheric sphere and do all planets have it? How is it possible to tap into universal knowledge? Can life develop on all planets in the Cosmos? What is the purpose of your soul journey? What does an Is-Be (Immortal Spiritual Being) truly look like?”
- When Diversity Becomes One ~ Reflections on the infinite possibilities of life – “Elena Danaan explains why separation is an illusion, and why we all tend to intrinsically understand how connected we are to the entire cosmic web. She invites us to meditate upon the unfathomable diversity of life forms in the universe, and find the thread to the higher understanding of cosmic consciousness connectivity.”
- Former US Navy Intelligence Officer and UFO Researcher, Dan Willis, provides a comprehensive timeline of events, people, and organizations who have covered up the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth over the last 80 years.
- World Religions are historical records of ET Contact & Genetic Experiments in multiple Edens – “Paul Wallis is a best selling author and Anglican church scholar who has detailed how Christian, Hebrew and other religious texts are historical accounts of extraterrestrial contact. In his Escaping from Eden book trilogy he describes how ancient biblical records of ET contact were hidden or removed by church leaders in historical conclaves to promote a monotheistic version of religious encounters. This has led to a confusion between an absolute God and multiple ”gods’ (aka extraterrestrials) that continues to the present day. In addition, he says that historical religious texts from around the world describe multiple Edens where genetic experiments were conducted, which account for the many ethnicities and racial groups on Earth. “
- Unveiling the Secrets of Time Travel & Reverse Engineered Alien Spacecraft – In this interview with Dr. Michael Salla, UFO Researcher Sean David Morton discusses how he got involved in UFO research, his work with historical figures in the UFO movement, and his discovery that Time Travel is the most prized technology sought in secret government programs. Sean describes how most of the 27 extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth are friendly, but three of which are very hostile. Sean discusses how time and space travel have been covertly developed in classified programs and are Earth’s best defense against uninvited extraterrestrial incursions.”
- Interview with Tony Rodriguez – 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Pt 1 – Abduction & Programming, by Dr. Michael Salla,
- Interview with Michael Christopher Gerloff – Covert Recruitment into Space Marines “20 and Back” Program, by Dr. Michael Salla,
- Nordic Extraterrestrial Contact – JP Interview Series Part 1 – “JP is a contactee/insider who has had contacts with human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials since 2008. In addition to ongoing contact experiences with the Nordics, he has also had experiences with a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that has been taking him aboard flying triangles and rectangles. What makes JP stand out among many contactee/insider claims is that he has taken stunning photos of the craft that he has been taken aboard, and/or belonging to the Nordics. In some cases, JP was encouraged by personnel associated with USAF Special Operations to take photos of their antigravity vehicles.” by Dr. Michael Salla,
- Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project – Interview with Stewart Swerdlow– Stewart Swerdlow was among the initial group of child participants that was involuntarily recruited into the Montauk Project that ran from 1970 to 1983 at the northeast end of Long Island, New York. Beginning at 13 years of age, he underwent time travel and portal experiments that abused up to 300,000 children and adults, only a few of whom survived. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Stewart explains the history of the Montauk Project, its connection to the Philadelphia experiment, the connection to extraterrestrial life, his personal experiences, and much more.”
- E.T. Contactee Elena Danaan interview on the Up the Vibe video podcast -“The themes discussed are: The Galactic Federation of Worlds, First Contact, Current Updates, ET Disclosure, Quantum Entanglement, Mind Control and Infiltration, Life Onboard a Spaceship, Safely Performing Remote Viewing, What is Consciousness, the Prime Directive, Dimensions and Densities, Halls of Records, Hidden History of Earth, Free Will, Universal Laws, the Great Awakening, and a few other topics…”
- Ancient Hall of Records found in Romania kept secret since 2003 – “In 2003, an amazing discovery was made of a large anomaly inside the Bucegi Mountains of Romania. A high level Italian Freemason was the first to alert a top secret paranormal unit of the Romanian intelligence service about the discovery made by US ground penetrating radar. Inside the mysterious structure was a fabulous repository of ancient information—a veritable Noah’s ark of forgotten knowledge and genetics stored holographically. This ancient Hall of Records was built by a tall race of giants or human-looking extraterrestrials.” ~Dr. Michael Salla at
- William Tompkins & US Navy Secret Space Program – compilation of key articles and videos about the revelations of Tompkins, a senior officer in the U.S. Navy Secret Space Program and a key designer and architect of many of its advanced space crafts, by
- Erich von Daniken – Delving into Secret Space Programs with Dr. Salla – “Join Dr. Michael Salla as he teams up with Erich von Daniken (author of the classic ET disclosure book, Chariots of the Gods) for a riveting discussion on Secret Space Programs. Engage with the pair as they unravel the history and project the exciting future of space travel, bridging scholarship with the enigma of the unknown!”
- Forbidden Archeology: Did Extraterrestrials Genetically Create Humans over 100s of Millions of Yrs? – “Michael Cremo is the author of two best-selling books that challenge the conventional Darwinian theory of human evolution and instead present facts supporting a radical new theory of evolution that is consistent with claims of extraterrestrial intervention in different historical epochs. He believes that Sumerian cuneiform records of Anunnaki genetic experiments to create humans are merely one in a series of historical instances where intervention from extraterrestrials or higher dimensional realms has occurred.”
- Discerning Extraterrestrial Entities, Collectives & Agendas: “Elena Danaan has been interacting with multiple extraterrestrial civilizations since she was first abducted by Gray extraterrestrials at age 9 and then rescued by human-looking members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. After working for nearly two decades as a professional archeologist, Danaan renewed her communications with the Federation in 2020 and has since established (face to face) communications with other organizations such as the Council of Five, the Intergalactic Confederation, the Nine, and returning Anunnaki associated with Enki/Ea on their flagship, Nibiru. In this interview, Danaan explains the agenda of various non-human entities that have infiltrated human society which include clones and synthetic AI replicas of Nordic aliens.”