Mystic Insights No. 22 – The Power of Sustained Thought

January 25, 2025

Once a thoughtform is created, you can continue to nurture and shape it by adding energy to it. You have the ability to optimize and refine it to serve your desired purpose. Conversely, if a thoughtform no longer aligns with your goals, withdraw your energy from it—cancel it. Focus only on the thoughts that contribute to the reality you want to create.

What is a Thoughtform?

A thoughtform is a mental construct or energy pattern created by focused thought, often fueled by emotions, intentions, or repeated attention. In many spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological traditions, a thoughtform is considered a non-physical entity or energy field that exists in the mental or subtle realm. It is believed to influence your reality and external circumstances depending on the energy and focus given to it.

By understanding and consciously shaping your thoughtforms, you can align them with your goals and aspirations.Many people perpetuate unwanted realities because they repeatedly dwell on the same unhelpful thoughts. A thoughtform can manifest its effects in two ways:

  1. A singular thought combined with a powerful emotional charge.
  2. A repeated thought with minimal emotional intensity over time.

Both methods can yield similar results, but the likelihood of materializing a thoughtform increases significantly when a collective group of people focuses on the same idea.

We are constantly surrounded by the thoughtforms of the entire planetary consciousness—this is the essence of the collective mind. This influx of mental energy explains why the overall vibration of the world often feels low. While no one is entirely immune to this, individuals with higher vibrations develop tools to protect themselves. Through practices like meditation and mindfulness, they learn to shield themselves from stray, unhelpful thoughts and limit exposure to negativity from mass media and entertainment.

The Source of Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can arise from various sources, including:

  • Memory fragments: Past experiences resurfacing unexpectedly.
  • Fear: A primary driver of unhelpful thought patterns.
  • Collective consciousness: Picking up on thoughts from others within the shared mental environment.
  • Negative entities: Influences from higher densities, such as the 4th or 5th 
  • Environmental triggers: Judgments, irritation, or preferences influenced by physical surroundings.
  • Media triggers: Content from television, podcasts, music, or written media.
  • Emotional reactions: Emotions that spark further cascading thoughts.
  • Inner dialogue: Engaging in mental arguments, proving a point, or reliving frustration.

You have the power to control your intake of thought stimuli. Much like meditation, the key is to observe these thoughts without reacting to them. Let them pass by without attachment or judgment.

The original purpose of mindfulness is to empower the mind to maintain control, avoiding entanglement with random or unhelpful thoughts. This discipline is crucial in mastering your reality creation process and consciously shaping the world around you.

By consciously choosing which thoughts to nurture and which to release, you reclaim your power to shape your reality. Remember, the energy you give to your thoughts determines the quality of your experiences. Cultivate mindfulness, limit your exposure to negative influences, and focus on the ideas and intentions that uplift and align with your highest self. Through sustained practice, you can rise above the noise of the collective consciousness, creating a life that reflects your true desires and values. In the end, the mastery of your thoughts is the mastery of your reality.

In Service to Your Highest Good,

Jay Kshatri

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