Mystic Insights – No. 2 – Alignment to the Light

March 23, 2016

Mystic Insights - 2

Allowance and full openness to the Divine Source lets more of its Light in. Remove any resistance and hesitation.

Tune your Being to the Speed of Light

The more clear and unclouded you can make your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, the more pure and undistorted the Light is able to come through.

Fill your day with pursuits that help tune your energetic frequency to the attributes of the Divine – Joy, Love, Bliss, and Peace.  Examples would include music, art, nature, meditation, reading, good food, exercise, and service to others.

The more clearly you allow the transmission of Light to reach you, the more of the Divine’s power you will have to co-create with in the material world.

The Divine Matrix of Light, carries your personal destiny code

When the Light is clear and strong, you are in alignment with the Divine Matrix and everything in your life goes smoothly because you are following the plan of the divine.

When you distort the Light with your ego and fear, that’s when things can go off track. However, when you calm the mind to receive the Light clearly, then alignment with the divine happens naturally. Your instincts and intuition guide your every move to be in synch with your higher purpose.

Therefore, be silent and listen, if you would seek to be in a state of joy, happiness, bliss, and peace all the time

Don’t let arising and transitory circumstances disturb you and instead shape them skillfully to higher energetic vibrations.

~Jay Kshatri

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