Mystics, through Gnosis, come to realize that there is no separation between themselves and the Divine Source. In fact, everything resides within the Divine Source Field, and is an emanation of it – An offspring of its infinite potential. If you are part of something then you share its attributes. In this case, you yourself are then the Divine Source in Human Form and have at your disposal all the same capabilities of Creation that the Source does – because you are a part of It.
If everything in Creation, the good and the bad, resides within the Source, then you have access to what you want to experience as everything is part of the Source and interconnected. The Source creates material reality through changes in its Energetic Vibration. This phenomenon was captured by Einstein in his equation: E=MC2. Energy equals Mass times the speed of light squared. Or, Energetic Vibration converts to Matter (and vice versa). Thoughts are energy, and so changing our material reality is as simple as changing the frequency of our thoughts. There are High Energy thoughts – love, peace, joy, and low energy thoughts – fear, hate, anger.
If we want to be powerful creators, then Einstein’s equation shows that you must be at a high energetic frequency. Your thoughts, emotions, and your body must all vibrate at the level of love, joy, and peace in order to create the material reality that you desire. At lower frequency levels, you will also create a certain material reality, but it will match the energetic frequency of your vibration – imagine a material reality that looks like fear, hate, and anger and you will understand this concept.
~Jay Kshatri