Why is it Important to have a Strong Connection with your Higher Self
The Higher Self and Lower Self (Ego) are the two aspects of your Soul. The Ego is a mental construct your Soul creates in order to navigate within the illusion of separation during any lifetime in the material world. It is the “forward facing” sense driven aspect of the Soul and it is created from the moment you are born through mental programming and conditioning. The Ego is the tool the Soul uses to navigate its journey in the material world.
Ego, in psychoanalytic theory, that portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I” and is in contact with the external world through perception. It is said to be the part that remembers, evaluates, plans, and in other ways is responsive to and acts in the surrounding physical and social world.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
As we grow we create an image of who we are based on what is taught to us, what we learn on our own, and beliefs we adopt based on our experiences. It is this image that people experience as our personality. Over time we come to see “who we are” as being this set of programmed knowledge, beliefs, and positive and negative experiences. Our way of being and our life choices, small and large, mostly emanate from the desires and understanding of our Ego. Since our life in the material world is highly transitory and dynamically changing (new knowledge, new experiences), holding on too tightly to the definition of “You” that is the Ego, can be problematic.
The Higher Self on the other hand is your Inner God and the Real and True You. The true power behind the transitory Ego. It is a fractal of the Source Creator and thus always in connection with the Source and has much of the same capabilities. The level of the capabilities varies depending on the particular Soul’s evolutionary level. When you finish graduating all the different Soul evolutionary levels (density or frequency levels in Law of One terms), you are reunited with Source at its frequency.
We can look at the Ego (and the body it directs) as being the vehicle or car that the Higher Self uses to travel within material reality. If the Ego takes all its direction from the Higher Self then our Soul is in good shape. If on the other hand the Ego is disconnected or loosely connected to the direction of the Higher Self, then this would be equivalent to you getting in your car and the car deciding on its own where it wanted to go and how to get there. Essentially, we would be Ego-Driven and not Soul-Driven.
To remedy this, the Higher Self creates the situations for Spiritual Awakening so that the communication channel between the externally focused conscious self (Ego Personality / Lower Self) and the Higher Self can firmly be established.
Only the Higher Self can guide you on your path with the ideal choices in every situation. The Higher Self is the Immortal You, your Spiritual Essence traveling from life time to life time, versus the temporary Ego Personality of your current life. The Higher Self knows the path you should travel in your life and the choices to make so that you have the optimum experiences for Soul growth. It is the best personal GPS that you could use as it knows exactly which turns in life’s path result in the highest good.
Ideally, you (the Ego-Personality) would be in complete alignment with your Higher Self and its priceless guidance, insight, and information. Not having a strong connection with your Higher Self on the other hand, is like having a computer that’s not connected to the internet. You can certainly get some things done, but it’s a lot more difficult, a lot slower, and you make many more mistakes. This is why most spiritual traditions emphasize that one must “Go Within to Find Out Who You Really Are”. It’s the most meaningful thing one can do and allows a person to be the best version of themselves possible.
Why is it Important to be in Alignment with your Higher Self
It is the lack of alignment with our Higher Self’s will and guidance which ends up having us fail to achieve our objectives in any given life time. We become Ego Driven rather than Soul Driven and end up not learning the life lessons which would evolve our Soul to the next highest level. So we come back, life time after life time, trying to learn the same lessons. [Our objectives for stages in our Soul Evolution are covered in great depth in the Law of One material. See my article – Being Soul Driven and Reclaiming Your Super Powers – for more information.]
Even if you haven’t yet established a strong communication link with your Higher Self – it is always attempting to communicate with your Ego through emotional (energy-in-motion) feelings, intuition, and synchronicities. Inspiration (In-Spirit) in addition, is your Higher Self providing you with nudges in the right direction. Some people come to engage with this communication better than others as they gain confidence in their “gut hunches” or intuitive feelings in various situations or times of critical decision making.
The Higher Self will also provide Catalysts for Growth. These are situations and experiences that will provide the opportunity for the Ego-Personality to make a course-correction in its way of being or approach to life so that true Soul progression can occur. Some times these catalysts can be quite difficult as the Higher Self finds no other way to get the Ego’s attention. These would include unpleasant things in life such as a health crisis, job loss, or relationship issue. Things that prompt a person to pause, reflect, and often ask – what am I doing wrong and what needs to change?
If we were to create a strong communication connection with our Higher Self these catalysts would be less necessary as we would be having an on-going dialogue with our Higher Self and know what we need to do differently, before things go too far off track. We would course correct as we progress through life much more smoothly than if we are just left banging around with our Ego in the lead.
Importantly, intuition, hunches, and synchronicities are good, but they are inefficient. Too much is left up to the hope that we recognize them for what they are and that we interpret them correctly. What would be much more effective and meaningful is if we could have clear and consistent communication – an instantaneous telepathic dialogue – with our Higher Self whenever we wanted it. It would then be a 24/7 guide to every aspect of our life – one which could provide clear information and guidance which is always aligned with our highest good. We could ask and know information that’s beyond the limitations of the rational mind for every decision we make daily – from the small to the life altering. We could be told the truth about any piece of information or any person’s true intentions we come across. We would no longer be able to be fooled. Imagine a society where everyone was Soul Driven – no one could lie any longer as it wouldn’t work [and more importantly, they wouldn’t lie in the first place as that is a specialty of the Ego…]. And in a world of ever increasing data, information, product choices, and constant connection this skill has never been more important.
The Joy of Being Soul Driven
So a good question is what does being in close and active communication with the Higher Self look like in practice? The Higher Self can see all possibilities and probabilities into the future. You then can know among a set of choices for a decision or situation, what will be the ideal choice that will yield the highest satisfaction or results. Whereas if you did not access the direction of the Higher Self, you may pick a sub optimal choice which may in fact take you in the wrong direction. Wrong in the sense that it would yield sub optimal results for satisfaction but also for Soul Evolution. It also may not provide you with the learning experiences you need. If you do go down a wrong path for significant items (versus you got the wrong thing for lunch) your Higher Self will try to course correct and arrange for new options and opportunities that allow you to get back on track. But there again, you will only take on those new options if you are tuned into and communicating clearly with your Higher Self.
One of the key things to increase the odds is to always ask for guidance from your Higher Self and look for the answers. The proverbial “Please God, give me a sign for what I should do…”. In this case what we are learning of course is that the God in that statement is within you and it is the real You, your Higher Self. A fractal of God or Source Creator in Human Form.
Approximately 12 years ago I first came to the realization that I could have a direct communication with my Inner God. I noticed that when I asked a question of it and the answer was yes, I would receive an energy surge from my heart-center up up through the top of my head. I interpreted this as being similar to the Kundalini surge many of us have experienced – energy going from the base of the spine to the head indicating energy flowing freely and the Soul Energy being maximized. It served as an indication that what I was thinking or saying was aligned with the Truth. If on the other hand the answer was no, I would get a contraction in my solar plexus area – no Truth. [Getting into a Kundalini Bliss state is the most powerful way to maximize your Soul Energy and communicate with your Higher Self and the Source Field. See my paper – Dan Winter and the Physics of Bliss and Enlightenment to learn more.]
I used this method for a few years with very good results. As I continued on my own journey of stilling my mind, refining the energy pathways in my mind-body-spirit complex, and further transcending the Ego, I then encountered that I was getting a thought form transmitted to me from the Higher Self. A significant improvement in the communication link. The thought form would sometimes just be a few words or a sentence and at other times it would be like a picture and I would get a complete understanding very quickly (a picture is worth a thousand words as they say…). Moving on to a few years after that, I was able to achieve real time telepathic communication with my Higher Self that I use consistently throughout the day.
Try It Yourself:
I would recommend jump starting your own communication link to your Higher Self via the first method I described. Get into a meditative state and ask yourself some question you’d like to know the answer to. See if you feel energy moving in your body from the heart-center area up toward the top of your head. Benchmark this method by asking simple true or false questions you know the answer to and see what happens. For false questions you should feel some type of contraction in your mid section rather than an expansion of energy flow up your body. If you gain confidence that you are getting right answers, then ask more questions you don’t know the answer to and see over time if what’ve you’ve been told by the Higher Self actually turns out to be true. When asking questions like this, remember to stay in a neutral mind and emotional state and not let the Ego-Mind bias the results. Try asking the same questions at different times and days.
Here are examples from my own life of how I use my connection to my Higher Self in daily living, from the routine to the important:
- I synchronize my daily priorities – what should get the most attention, what projects should I focus on, what things are best to be pursued at a later date, etc. I get simple yes or no answers but also things I should consider that I wasn’t thinking of. In this way, my priorities get synched with the life plan my Higher Self has established and focus my attention on items that will get the most results instead of wasting my time.
- I ask about places where I may go for the day or the week – the park with my dog, a concert, a restaurant, golf, etc. I ask my Higher Self on a scale of one to 10 how much will I enjoy each option. I will even ask it to tell me the optimum time to go to a place – say when will the park be the least crowded or when will the weather be the most enjoyable. It will even guide me at times to options I’m not even thinking about.
- How effective is what I’m doing in terms of getting the result I want on a particular task or objective? What should I do differently instead?
- I read and research a lot and for whatever project I’m working on as well as for general knowledge and pleasure. In all cases, there are lots of options on what the best source materials may be. I simply ask my Higher Self for each book, article, podcast, or video I’m considering if it’s the right one for my objective and highest good. It knows exactly what I’m trying to achieve and how closely the particular source material will provide what I need. It also screens out things that are not of the highest consciousness level. In today’s world of endless information on any topic, having this guidance is priceless.
- My Higher Self is my constant companion when I write – providing content ideas, answering my questions about various topics and research information, and assisting me in editing and revising the final product. I will ask for clarification or explanation of some item in what I’m reading or watching. I’ll also ask many times if what someone has stated in a book or video is actually true and depending upon the response ask for and get further clarification.
- Any business or commercial transactions where I need to decide if the person is being truthful and acting in good faith is told to me. I also ask and receive guidance on how to proceed step by step. It is very difficult to be fooled or to do something not in your highest interest with this capability.
- I’ll also ask what is my percentage alignment with my Higher Self’s will. Over the last few years I’ve been able to get into the mid 90% range and I know when I’m at that level of better things in my life go well and life is much more enjoyable.
- If something goes wrong or not to my liking, I ask my Higher Self if it was meant to be a Catalyst for Change or merely an accident or coincidence. If it is a Catalyst then I’m told what changes in attitudes, beliefs, and or behavior are necessary to regain alignment and balance with higher vibrational living.
Having this strong connection now going on 12 years, I’ve developed great trust in this guidance as the track record of whatever information I get is very high. In fact, the only time things may not turn out as expected is when I realize that it was my Ego getting in the way of clear communication. In other words, my Higher Self was recommending one thing but my Ego really wanted something else and that emotional energy interfered with the communication. The remedy to this is to stay neutral as best as you can and be in a quiet state of mind – especially when asking about important decisions and choices. For those cases, it also makes sense to ask a number of different times over a few days, just to ensure that you’ve gotten the right message. ( It also is beneficial to listen to multiple indicators. You think you are hearing your higher self speak but that may be your Ego in disguise. But you can then always check in with the feelings in your body – like the power surge I get from the heart center to the head – for me that signal is very reliable.)
It will certainly be challenging at times to accept the guidance you are getting as it goes against your rational mind or Ego desires. But over time, you will come to see that the Higher Self with its access to a much higher level of information, knowledge, and wisdom, along with the ability to see the probabilities of future events / time lines, gives guidance that serves you best in the long run. Living with this strong connection to the Higher Self is an amazing and wonderful experience. Your ability to successfully navigate a difficult and challenging world is greatly improved. You gain deep insight into what and what not to do and gain access to information not possible in any other way. This naturally increases your confidence and peace of mind. You don’t need to worry like you used to as you are being expertly guided through the maze of life’s choices with an all-seeing, all-knowing guide.
How Quickly Can One Strongly Connect with the Higher Self?
How quickly this connection can occur depends upon each individual’s unique situation. Knowing that the Soul exists and that you desire and intend to have that connection is step one. After that, what is necessary is to still the mind and detoxify and fine tune the energetic pathways of the body so that effective “Inner Communication” can occur. Lastly, the hard boundaries of the Ego need to soften so as not to block the communication and alignment from happening. The Ego wants to stay focused on the external sense based world and through the accumulation of a life time of mental programming of sub optimal beliefs about itself and the external environment, it resists one’s Soul Light from fully expanding. Spiritual Awakenings or Soul Expansions occur when the walls of the Ego become less dense and the Soul is finally allowed to take its rightful place as the leader in your life. [There is a process to achieving this that certainly takes commitment and effort – I’ve explained it in great detail in the paper – The Path to Enlightenment, A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey.]
As we head into the age of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, we need to remember that we humans are extremely powerful spiritual beings. We have capabilities in terms of knowledge, information, creativity, and wisdom that go way beyond what any synthetic intelligence will ever be able to do. We can literally create material reality with the power of our spiritual energy and our Higher Self has access to information which we can use to create our ideal future that no machine or computer will ever be able to provide us. Yes, we should use these new emerging tools for some aspects of our lives and to be our assistants in the material world. They will be useful if we manage and evolve them correctly. But they are not capable of interfacing with the unseen worlds at higher density levels. We humans have that capability as Source Creator in human form. To think as some naive and uninformed people are speculating that the merger of humans with machines would be some kind of Great Leap Forward is laughable if one really knows the truth about who humans really are. They would be speaking quite differently if they were strongly connected to their Higher Self and became Soul Driven. That’s where real Super Intelligence comes from and that is our birthright and real future as evolving souls heading into 4th Density Earth Life.
In Service to Your Highest Good,
~Jay Kshatri