Over the last few thousand years, the concept of personal Ascension has been discussed in certain cultures around the world. The Hindus, Buddhists, Tibetans, Greeks, Mayans, Christians, and various Middle Eastern cultures, in their written spiritual works, speak about personal transcendence and the rise of the human into its more perfected state. I’ve written previously about the personal Ascension process and if you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading the following three documents:
- Spiritual Awakenings – What they Are, Why they Occur, and How they Happen
- Being Soul-Driven and Reclaiming Your Super Powers
- The Path to Enlightenment, A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey
Those three documents provide the core understanding of how to raise your vibrational frequency and to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. To increase your awareness, knowledge, and to powerfully reunite with the full power of your multi-dimensional soul. To essentially become a Divine Human, a god in human form.
This 64 page paper (PDF download below) is meant to provide background on what we’re starting to know about the operating structure of the Ascension process – the mechanics of how our physical and non physical reality are really working. Specifically, the cyclical nature of planetary and galactic movement, the creation of material worlds, soul evolution and development, and the real history of earth, humanity, and the vast number of other civilizations and inhabited planets in our universe.
Until very recently, most of this type of information was not known by most humans and much of it has been expertly hidden from view. But we’ve entered a time period where all truth must come to the surface, nothing will be allowed to be hidden, no matter how hard the current controller group (what I call the World Management Team – WMT) tries to maintain its secrecy. The end of the massive manipulation of humanity is near its end.
This paper contains what I consider to be many of the key hidden areas of knowledge that shine light on why the Ascension process occurs and what we can expect to be experiencing over the coming years.
You can view a PDF of Graduation of Earth Humanity to the 4th Density – The Ascension Process Explained (64 pages) below and save a copy to your computer or phone by clicking on the download button (right side) in the Navigation Bar at the top of the document. Please feel free to share the link to this page with others who you feel could benefit from the guide.
In Service to Your Highest Good,
Jay Kshatri