Many of us have come to know and experience that our material reality is actually based on vibrational frequency. Einstein helped us understand this with his famous equation: E = mc2 Where E represents the energetic field known as the Ether, Plasma Field, or Zero Point Gravity field in Quantum Mechanics. It is what is considered to be 99% of what we call space. M is mass, or what we consider all of matter or material reality. C is the speed of light and it is squared. Mass is multiplied by the speed of light because as energy is released or travels, it does so at the speed of light. It is squared to take into account that the energy of motion or kinetic energy is proportional to its mass. When you accelerate an object, the kinetic energy increases approximately to it being squared.
The material world therefore at the quantum, sub-atomic level is all energy. Which means we ourselves are Energy Beings. Energy in turn, converts to matter per E=mc². Our physical reality – our bodies, our material objects, and nature itself are underneath their physical appearances, pure energy. This energy is viewed as vibrating waves with various frequency characteristics. Einstein made the point clearly when he said:
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein.
If our Material Reality is Energetic Frequency, then it has profound implications for what we actually are as beings (not just a physical material body), what we believe our true reality to be (not isolated individuals with no connection to everyone and everything else), and how we would optimally interact with everything in our environment (we would learn how to connect via our frequency capabilities for optimum communication, knowledge, and health).
The process of Energy converting to Matter, E=mc², represents in my view, a “created” reality, what some religions call “The Creation”, or m. It is a simulator of sorts for souls to experience and learn in. It is a soul training school. In the channeled work by LL/Research,The Law of One, the sixth density soul group Ra, explains that there are 8 different density or frequency vibration levels in the created universes. Densities 1 through 5 are the realm of the material worlds where E=mc² is in effect. Density 1 is mineral, Density 2 is animal, and Density 3 is the start of humanoid and other species and extends into more advanced levels of beings and civilizations in 4 and 5.
In densities 6, 7, and 8 souls no longer require the use of physical bodies and material environments for their evolution, it becomes all mental or mind. Densities 6,7,and 8 are not part of the Creation as the “illusion” of matter is gone, and souls remain within their natural soul energetic frequency state which is what pure consciousness or pure awareness is. All 8 densities reside within the Source Creator and are a part of it.
Ra in Law of One states that it is the goal of Souls to seek to understand how the “Creation” functions and learn how to excel in its teaching curriculum and graduate or “ascend” up through the various densities. Earth is currently in the Ascension phase of transitioning from a 3rd density planet to a 4th density one. If you meet the requirements for 3rd density graduation [achieving a vibrational frequency where your way of being is at least 51% service to others] you can remain on Earth and have your 4th density experience. If not, you will repeat 3rd density experience on another 3rd density planet for as long as many 25,000 year cycles are needed till you graduate or ascend. [If you haven’t yet read the Law of One books, I cannot recommend anything more highly to better understand our reality and the soul curriculum for this universe.]
Various spiritual traditions, especially the mystic branches (direct connection and integration with the Source) of various world religions have spoken at great length of how to raise one’s energetic vibration, expand their consciousness beyond the body, and powerfully connect to the Source Creator (and everything or anyone in the Source Field – the Creation at all density levels). Various branches of Yoga, such as Kundalini Yoga in particular, have extensive mind and body practices to optimize this connection.
But for present day Earth Humans, we have not had a compelling scientific explanation for what many of us in our spiritual practices have been experiencing for a long time such as ecstatic bliss experiences which collapse the boundaries of the ego and give us a deep feeling of unity and oneness with all beings and nature. These “spiritual awakenings”, often result in the activation of paranormal capabilities for many people – things such as telepathy, knowledge at a distance (remote viewing in modern terms), and the ability to energetically shape and influence our physical reality in all forms.
At the level of Truth, Science and Spirituality would be in complete alignment as both seek to explain our material world and how best to function within it. If people around the world are experiencing these energetic connections, one would think that Science one day would have an explanation and understand the ways and methods all of us could have these experiences and better participate in the soul evolution curriculum. This is where Dan Winter comes in and the focus of this paper. Dan has actually been explaining in scientific terms the physics of bliss and enlightenment for a number of decades. He has also produced both scientific equations to prove his theories as well as building devices to help people create and cultivate their energetic field or aura – their soul energy if you will – for both bliss and healing purposes.
Dan Winter’s background is quite broad and compelling as he has had strong technology development work along with spiritual training and experience alongside very experienced practitioners. Over time Dan has been synthesizing what the most advanced physics we have say about what ‘E’ or the plasma field is comprised of and how communication within the field or connection between elements in the field takes place. He does this by taking elements of scalar and laser physics along with his own unique connections and insight to make a compelling theoretical framework backed by mathematical equations. He has produced over 300 videos over the years explaining his ideas and written four books. Dan makes a valiant effort to make the material accessible in the videos but admittedly it can be very challenging to understand for the general reader. With that in mind, I thought it would be helpful to pull together some of his main ideas and arrange them in a way to be more easily digestible and to provide some of my own clarifying comments and perhaps make some connections to spiritual teachings and practices.
At this point, let me pause and say one must really experience Dan directly – especially through his videos. He has great energy and enthusiasm for his work and for teaching others about his findings. I would recommend starting with a few videos that I found very good and one of his books that I’ll list here. You’ll find more recommendations at the end of the paper.
- (video) Deep Biology of Kundalini
I’ve structured the paper in a question and answer format. I pose a question and then use Dan’s own words and explanations found in his various books and articles to provide the answer. Everything from Dan is in quotes. Any comments or points of clarification from me are in square brackets [ ], are italicized, and are without quotes. I hope you find the paper useful.
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