I am always inspired when I witness a new example of science converging with spirit, for it is at this intersection that the ultimate truth resides. This convergence is exemplified beautifully by string theory physicist Dr. David Clements. His story is one I believe we will encounter more frequently as humanity advances in consciousness and Earth undergoes its ascension to 4th density. People from all walks of life are experiencing profound shifts in awareness, moving beyond the outdated perception of a material reality composed of isolated and disconnected matter.
When a well-qualified physicist bridges the gap between science and spirituality, it is particularly remarkable. Such individuals not only possess a deep understanding of materialist science but are also equipped to explore the emerging paradigm of quantum science and scalar physics. In the case of Dr. David Clements, his journey is further enriched by profound spiritual experiences. He has developed strong telepathic and astral travel abilities, connecting with his higher self and other non-physical beings, which have deepened his understanding of the true nature of reality.
Dr. Clements’ background is as impressive as his spiritual insights. He earned advanced degrees from both Cambridge and Oxford Universities, specializing in mathematical and theoretical physics. His academic research focused on super-string theory—a quantum framework for understanding subatomic particles and multi-dimensional spaces—as well as advanced concepts in electromagnetism. During his tenure in academia, he collaborated with renowned thinkers such as U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Thomas Bearden and John Bedini, exploring theories and inventions inspired by the visionary work of Nikola Tesla.
*Bearden was a proponent of scalar electromagnetic theory, which he claimed was based on the work of James Clerk Maxwell and Nikola Tesla. Scalar waves, according to Bearden, are longitudinal waves in the vacuum of spacetime, distinct from the transverse waves described by classical electromagnetics. Bearden authored several books, including “The Final Secret of Free Energy” and “Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principles,” where he explored his ideas on scalar physics, free energy, and the potential of advanced energy systems.
Transition to Bioenergetic Research:
In 2000, Dr. Clements received a remote viewing kit, which he used to teach himself the practice with notable accuracy. Through remote viewing, he established contact with extraterrestrials from the Pleiades, Arcturus, and Andromedan star systems. Subsequently, he began telepathically communicating with advanced extraterrestrials known as the Elohim, who became part of his team of advisors and helpers. He also developed a deep connection with his Higher Self or Soul.
These experiences prompted a profound shift in his perspective, leading him to view the universe as a living, interconnected system. He began developing devices which generate bioenergetic fields comprising living organic consciousness that interact with individuals’ Higher Selves to promote healing and protection from electromagnetic fields. This work culminated in the creation of the Serenity Device, designed to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic pollution, such as that from 5G technology.
Current Endeavors:
Dr. Clements continues to integrate his scientific expertise with his explorations into consciousness and bioenergetics. He emphasizes the importance of connecting with the Sacred Heart Center, which he distinguishes from traditional concepts in Kundalini yoga systems. Through his company, ISEE infynergy, he offers innovations aimed at supporting holistic well-being and environmental harmony.
How to Learn from David and his Spirit Guides
First, you can watch two excellent interviews he did with Dr. Michael Salla:
- Living Energy Fields & Organic Technology
- What I Discovered About Organic Technology Will Change Your Life Forever
To explore further, David has created a free, ongoing video series consisting of 15 segments (and counting). In this series, he offers in-depth guidance from his ET and Spirit Guides on connecting with your Higher Self and mastering the use of your energetic vibration to manifest your desired reality. Each segment includes a lecture, a Q&A session, and a guided meditation channeled by David from the Elohim, designed to harmonize and energize your light body.
David’s gentle and compassionate nature makes his work particularly impactful. For those seeking to deepen their connection with their Higher Selves, these soothing meditations provide valuable support in fostering that bond. He often begins each meditation by sharing insights and overall guidance from his team.

Having personally watched all of his interviews and each segment of his video series, I’ve found his teachings to deeply resonate with the information I receive from my own Higher Self and Spirit Guides. To help others engage with these concepts, I’ve compiled my notes on his key points. While these notes are not a substitute for experiencing his material firsthand, they serve as a helpful primer for those interested in his work.
Background In his own words:
“Since my conscious journey of energy began, around 2002, I have been both in contact with and channeling my higher self as well as many races from this galaxy and beyond, including beings existing in higher dimensional realities.
Just before the end of 2023, the Infinite Source Love Intelligence came through very clearly and gave me the understanding that what humanity was going to move into much more deeply, and which I was asked to help accelerate, was the reconnection with and remembrance of self as source love. Of the many inspirations of wisdom given to me by my Source Self, the most important thing that anyone can do is to remember and re-blend with their Source Self, to embody and live as the pure source love intelligence, of true Self, in human form.
This love intelligence can reform any disharmonious pattern, whether that is a field energetic or in the dense energetics of matter. It is the answer to all questions asked and is the underlying beauty of life itself. It is the master intelligent designer in everything within us and in our perception of what is outside of us. It knows us all personally, in every aspect of our being, both as individuals and as the living family of creation. It is the source of whatever you would love to create and of creation itself.”
Notes on key aspects of his experience, approach and philosophy:
- David connects through meditation with 6th Density beings he calls the ‘Elohim’. He is able to bi-locate to be with them in their dimensional space – he leaves his physical body and takes his astral body to them to interact and learn from them. David experiences them as a vast intelligence rather then particular beings. Additional non physical “groups” come forward to give him different information.
- Most importantly, we are the Source Love Intelligence and it is us, we only need to re-awaken to that. The Infinite Source Intelligence is the source intelligence of love, the creator intelligence of all that is.
- The key is for people to realize and bridge to the Infinite Source Intelligence within, and in doing so, to not only remember their true self but to realize that they are, and have always been, the answer to all they wished to know, the healer of all they wish to heal, the unlimited creator in human expression.
- “Core Intelligence” for him is the Higher Self. He only proceeds on any decision / major actions with higher self approval.
- David differentiates between the Physical Heart, Energetic Heart, and Sacred or High Heart. In the center of the Sacred Heart is the Infiniti Point – which is the direct connection to Source. Higher Self seats itself in the Sacred Heart.
- Our foundational evolution on Earth needs to occur with close collaboration with the Higher Self. This is more important than connecting to “other beings” in your energetic work. Your mind can be fooled, but your Heart / Higher Self cannot.
- The Heart Center is the gateway to Intelligent Infiniti. The High Heart is beyond duality. Ask your higher self to connect to it and this Infiniti Point. Build the relationship with your Source Self.
- Humanity has a put a virtual reality helmet on. Like those gamers wearing a VR helmet, they are totally convinced they are in that game. Same for humans, they have forgotten this is virtual reality or holographic play and they are something else. What they are is their Heart Intelligence. You can experience what you want in this holographic reality through your energetic signature. The mind and body are overlays to assist you to experience the hologram.
- The difficulties faced by humanity all stem from first agreeing to a forgetting of source-self, to enter a game of experience whereby you can perceive yourself as separate, alone, and in a way of saying, appearing to have been dropped into life as if on a lifeboat in the middle of a vast ocean with only yourself to guide you. By doing so, access to the unimaginable gifts (through the eyes of human perception) seemed unreachable as if they had just disappeared. In truth, they and your true-Source-Self never left, but respected the wish and the experiential game of “what would it be like to experience separation and powerlessness”. This game is ending and a return to truth, joy, beauty, and infinite existence and creatorship are coming, rapidly, for those who wish for it. This is important as the creative love intelligence that is Source absolutely respects your freedom to choose, to choose Source-Self becoming, or to stay in the game of density and self-forgetting.
Notes on David Clements Interviews with Michael Salla:
- Science cannot look into an atom. Only infer from their atom smashing experiments. So the current atomic model is not correct. The interior of the atom is made of an intricate layers of fields.
- The densification of matter is that the normal functioning of the energy fields between atoms, molecules, cells, etc, has been damaged and therefore the consciousness that would naturally flow through matter has been reduced to near zero. This is why on earth it is difficult to manifest as well as manipulate your material reality. This will change as the upgrading and healing of everyone’s cellular fields occurs over time. Atom and Matter fields are leveling up during this ascension process.
- The source field underlies everything and thenfractalizes itself till we get to the spacial grid system- where you have a perception of distance.
- Photons are living libraries of coded experiential energetics – electrical, magnetic, spin – classical view. But the reality is that a photon is a living library of anything that it has touched. It can pick up and transfer information.
- Consciously Connect and Re-Bridge to the Source Field. Your higher self is your bridge to Source; go within and connect; then you’re original DNA blueprint will be restored.
- Ascended Masters can lens and channel the source field via their high heart and direct it with their intention.
- Compassion is a level of intelligence within the Source Field. [So compassion is a result of having more Source Energy within you, rather than a mental or emotional choice a human would make. It naturally arises and thus can be more genuine and effective as it is mixed with things like wisdom and knowledge.]
- Generative coding [living intelligence, source field, negentropy] creates beautiful structure and Degenerative coding [destructive man made intelligence, entropy] creates chaos.
- Any human made product or experience contains the coding [vibrational energy and intention] of the people who made or created it. [We are all consumers of energetic vibration…]. So for example when you board an airplane, you get bombarded by a plethora of degenerative fields – from the electronics and materials of the plane, to the degenerative fields (highly diminished levels of Source energy and information) of the people, to the food and drinks being served. Which is very different to David’s experience being on ET ships (via astral travel) – he found it so harmonious and high energy.
- Space has an interconnecting array of energetic nodes, like an ocean of energy. Each of those nodes has the ability to store experiential memory – both negative and positive. This is how you can “feel” energetically what transpired in a certain place (where war has taken place as an example).
- His ET mentors have told him that the universe is separated into zones – which prohibits instantaneous long distance travel (pick a frequency signature and then just immediately jump to that point). Each zone will have a consciousness requirement which must be met to enter.
David Clements channeled readings from the Elohim on his Video Series:
Physics of Reality
- Time is a construct within the quantum field, like an operating system within the field.
- Our reality is fields compressing and building upon each other over and over again.
- A field first starts to coalesce into tiny little particles, which then arrange themselves into atoms, from there they organize themselves into molecules (DNA being a large one), and from there they organize themselves into Cells, and from there into organs. The universe – planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc are built up in the same manner.
- When the counter rotating fields around you are in balance, they create a very powerful quantum still point within you. Fear, ego based distortions, and mind programming gums up these fields and you thus cannot connect clearly to the quantum field.
- Higher level energies always raise up lower level energies. The higher always changes out the the lower level energies.
Heart Center / Higher Self
- When you go into heart center, any solution or answer will appear instantly that you are looking for. You go into the sacred heart by relaxing, letting go, trusting, and quieting the mind. Relinquish control from the ego mind to the higher self / heart mind. Self Mastery is Surrender to the Higher Self. You can ascend right now if you can surrender to your higher self.
- During meditation – try to feel all your energy pathways and feel them energizing. Feel how you are more than just the body. Feel yourself integrating with your higher self and source.
- Your minds are structural computers – they are thought linkers. It has limited perspective to perceive. This is by design. There are vast fields of potential of love and joy. The mind cannot perceive these well. In trusting in your higher self, all will work out well and beautifully. Your past civilizations have fallen because they could not see this.
- In the ascended state to your higher self, you become the fully conscious observer, no more judgement, just observing and perceiving. Judgement is control and grip.
- Advanced beings don’t have identity overlaying truth. They don’t get “wounded”. An Ascended Master is a Living Vessel of the Source Energy flowing uninterrupted through them.
- To connect to the the higher self via the heart center, remove the filters of the ego – the hurts, the self degradation, the pride, the distorted understanding of reality, etc. *This is why during meditation, it is so valuable to say I am Love, I am Bliss, etc because it raises the vibration and removes the false understanding of the ego and chooses what the soul really is – love energy, the source. That allows the local soul to resonate and connect with the higher self and achieve a bliss state.
- Helping people in an emotional or mental crisis is best done through sending love energy rather than ego filtered assistance or problem solving. “Trigger Events” for people are Catalysts for Change. One should proceed cautiously and not jump into “save them” as this is not what the higher self wants.
- The sacred heart connects to the physical heart. There is a portal there. Access to the sacred heart is through surrender to your higher self, the true you. You cannot get there mentally. This prevents the ego from accessing source intelligence.
- If you can get your quantum pathways cleared, your will connect to your higher self more strongly, and you will positively affect other people, animals, and nature with your field.
- The higher self is a multidimensional living energetic essence of you and it extends and branches into many different multidimensional planes and universes. You soul accumulates and collects your experiences (a sort of memory) in every lifetime and the multidimensional higher self extends everywhere else. It has many different aspects which you can connect to and use and benefit from.
- Elohim confirm that the lightworkers’ job here is to break down the density that is here. As they do this not only do they repair earth frequency grid, but they also positively affect frequency grids across the universe.
- At the start of the 3rd density cycle on earth, the veil was to allow 60% focus on the material reality, and 40% interaction with the non physical realms. Elohim confirms humans have fallen to 98% on the material world, and only 2% on inner world connected to all realms. Elohim call the veil, the energetic membrane of forgetfullness
- When the ego grabs the steering wheel, your life will develop chaos – because it will do so from a limited perspective. It just remaps the past into the present and the future. The choices of the Ego Personality mirror into your material reality
- Your entire reality is a giant hologram that is reflective of your energetic state. This is quantum physics 101. Your surroundings are a reflection of you.
- Being in a state of pure observance, versus thinking and judging, is our natural state. In your true state, you have no ego based identity. All identities take you aware from your truth. You must let them fall away. You are learning to drop all the identities that you have taken on over many life times. Your ego identity is a role play.
- Emotion – energy motion – your ability to sense energy and to properly use and manage it.
- Humanity’s densification process is layers upon layers of accepted programs and energetics that has slowly and steadily deepened your sleeping state. As your source energy passes through these filters it projects onto the outer world. You experience in material reality what is within you. We are essentially witnessing in our daily life, everyone’s collective distorted traumas and emotions.
- One must remember the source energy within them that is infinite creator which is pure love, the intelligence of love. Remember you have free will and have the ability to invent the appearance of a lack of love. The truth is there is nothing real that is outside of love.
- Humanity has become addicted to the outer imagery that it projects through its filters. They then have a sensation that it is real.
- To remedy this, you must visualize from your heart center, from a perspective of love, then your outer world will change.
- As your raise your love energy, your energetic vibration rises to a point where all those layers of low vibrational programming and traumas cannot survive and disappear.
- Love is the key solution to everything. Love dissolves the illusion of duality and density.
Health / Physical Body
- Yogic breathing – deep belly breath and holding at the top (the quantum still point) – clears out all negative energy from all your bodies and brings in the quantum field and connects you to your higher self more strongly.
- There are receptors in the human energy field – there are energetics in the human breathing system – when you breathe you actually energize your energy field – which is connected to the quantum field.
- Breathing multidimentionally is very important – breathing in energy versus just oxygen. Full energetic breathing. Powerfully moves out the old energy.The belly is where you store a lot of repressed energies.
- This is like breathing through your energetic pathways. This is full body breathing and it will raise your vibration and overall light within you. It is essentially consciously choosing to breathe in light energy – state the intention in meditation to your guides or higher self – bathe me in healing light, heal me completely, energize all my pathways and dissolve all blockages, etc. Direct the energy in whatever way you want – have it soothe you, caress you, etc.
- Physical pain is resistance to energy flow. The remedy is acceptance and allowing.
- The Love Intelligence or Light will honor your free will and not dissolve blockages if you’ve chosen to place them there and keep them. If you choose to release them and let them go, it will assist you.
- To clear your energy pathways, you breathe in deeply pranic energy and when you do that, it loosens the blockages in your energy fields, and then on the out breath you expel that dead energy from you. Visualize yourself doing that.
- Your quantum living field holds the template for how your cells divide, communicate, combine – its the operating ethos or energetic library of how your cells flow, grow, their well being. It’s a web of light that has unfortunately been gummed up with layers of blockages – so the energy from the particles does not flow like it should in this field. Disease is the result.
- Connect to the Sun’s energy streamers to flood you with that light and love. Ground that into Gaia also to help her.
- A main reason why people struggle to connect with their higher self is if they’re bodies are too dense, too low vibration. The individual atoms of the body have become too dense, too hard, almost like dead matter.The soul consciousness then within this very dense vessel has trouble connecting to the high vibration love light energy of the higher self.
- Quantum Pathways are like tunnels or fluid living conduits connecting everyone of your atoms to each other. A giant living energy network. When the network is fully active, high level consciousness can flow through much easier along with quantum energy and information that enables the body to function as it was meant to.
- Human crystalline body – moving into a crystalline state into a high energetic form, which allows us to keep that core energetic high without dropping down. This also allows you to embody more of the living intelligence within you.
In a time of profound transformation, Dr. David Clements stands as a bridge between science and spirit, inviting us to explore the vast potential of our interconnected reality. His journey, blending the rigor of theoretical physics with the expansive wisdom of higher consciousness, is a testament to humanity’s ability to transcend limitations and embrace the infinite possibilities within. By harmonizing quantum science and spiritual insight, he provides a roadmap for aligning with our Higher Selves and Source Intelligence, enabling each of us to contribute to the collective ascension of our planet. Through his teachings, meditations, and innovations, Dr. Clements reminds us that the answers we seek are already within us, waiting to be rediscovered through love, surrender, and conscious connection. May his work inspire us to embrace our role as co-creators of a more harmonious and enlightened reality.
To learn more in-depth about Scalar Physics, see my in-depth 31 page article – Dan Winter and the Physics of Bliss and Enlightenment
To learn more in-depth about achieving your own ascension to higher levels of consciousness, see my 131 page guide – The Path to Enlightenment, A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey
In Service to Your Highest Good,
Jay Kshatri