From my perspective, the number one problem by far on planet earth, and the root cause of all ills, is that we have most of the 8 billion people on this orb believing they are only the body. They have very little understanding of the spiritual energy animating the body known as the Soul. It is a collective amnesia. It’s as if in the case of a car and a driver, that the driver has temporarily lost awareness (consciousness) of who he or she is and comes to believe that they are the car they are driving. This is analogous to the person forgetting that they are a multi-dimensional Soul with great powers and instead believing themselves to be the temporary physical body or vehicle they are inhabiting, along with its outward facing “personality” known as the ego.
Most people have a fairly good idea of the perils of being ego-driven. Being lead by that part of you that can become overly concerned with the stimulus of the material world and seeing itself as unconnected to others and uncaring of their highest good. As an antidote, in spiritual circles, most advocate for the quieting of the ego so that the Soul can take control. And, in much of esoteric literature, we are told to “Go Within” and “Seek and You Shall Find”. But usually there’s very little guidance on how to go within and what is it that you are looking for. With that in mind, I hope that this paper will shed some light on exactly that. All that follows is based on my own journey over the last 20 years of spiritual awakening and the shifting from the ego to full realization of the Soul.
The Multidimensional Soul
Both scientists and spiritualists have shown that our universe and our physical reality are energetic vibration. Within this sea of energetic vibration are different frequency levels, or what we call densities. Our Soul or energy body (versus the physical body) is a portion of this energetic universe and thus vibrates at different frequency levels (densities) within whatever dimensional reality (location in the Universe which also has a unique frequency signature) the Soul is inhabiting. This is why we call our Soul multi-dimensional – it has the ability to travel wherever it wants to go in the Universe (if it can match that location’s frequency based on its level of soul evolution).
For this discussion, we’ll focus on different densities as they relate to Soul capability and evolution. Different portions of the Soul or energy body are vibrating at different rates and inhabit and have access to the frequency characteristics of different densities. The higher the density, the greater the consciousness and spiritual power that resides there (highest spiritual power defined as being full understanding of and resonance with the Creator). The highest density would be Source / Creator itself, the ground of all being. [we’ll define the different densities in more depth below].
The existence of the Soul is just not spiritual or metaphysical speculation. Scientists and technologists in the last 30 years have learned more and more that the human body is being regulated by Light Energy and Information via our DNA. More specifically, the field of biophotonics and one of its early pioneers, german scientist Fritz-Albert Popp, found that the 200 million cellular actions that happen in our body every second are being coordinated by a field of light energy that contains critical information for the cells to do their work in the various sub-systems of the body. Anything in your environment that interferes with this human energy field, causes sub-optimal to very harmful effects in your physical, emotional, and mental body systems. This emerging view, which some call the Human Biofield, is bringing us back to the understanding of the Human Aura (the Subtle Energy Body or Soul) and its associated energy pathways within the body that the Chinese and Indians identified thousands of years ago. [For more details see The (re) – Discovery of the Human Energy Field.

So let’s take a look at our energy body or Soul. The diagram above shows a representation of the human aura / Soul or biofield. The various “vibrational frequency layers” of the biofield are related to different energy densities. Each density has different energy frequency characteristics and capabilities.
Starting at the left hand in the diagram, the field closest to the body is the Etheric Field. This is a lower fourth density version of your physical body (which is at 3rd density). It is the energetic life force animating the physical body. It is believed that the etheric energy or vital source energy connects into the physical body through the 7 Chakras or Etheric Energy Centers. Each chakra is the interface to the various density levels of the Soul and is associated with the particular spiritual or vibrational capability the Soul can access but also must balance or master. The Etheric Field is associated with the 1st Chakra also called the Root Chakra.
The next energy layer is the Emotional Body which resides at middle fourth density. It is responsible for all emotional processes of the Soul. It resides at the 2nd or Sacral chakra. Moving further out, we have the Lower Mental Body which resides at high fourth density. It is the seat of rational and logical thought and is located at the 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra.
The three energy bodies at the first three chakras we’ve discussed, are considered to be the realm of the individual’s personality, or ego. They essentially comprise basic physical functioning and survival, mastery of our emotions, and the use of our our rational mind to effectively navigate physical life. However, to fully access the higher vibration energy bodies, we must move beyond the realm of the ego which is concerned mostly with the individualized physical self.
This takes us to the next energy layer, which is the Astral Plane. It is at the heart center chakra and resides in 4th and 5th density. Some also call this the Veil, and can be thought of as a gateway and checkpoint. This is because the ego personality will not be able to fully access the higher energy centers of the Soul until it vibrates high enough in its heart center. In other words, it learns to love others as itself. Which means that the ego’s focus on separation, must be overcome. The walls that the ego has created must be taken down and then the full amount of Light Energy to and from the Soul’s higher energetic centers can flow freely.
When this happens, we will encounter the next layer of the Soul’s energy body which is the higher or abstract mind. It resides in 5th and 6th density and is anchored into the throat chakra. This is where we access higher levels of wisdom and learn to speak truth.
Moving up from there, we come to the Buddhic or Intuitional plane which resides in the 7th density and is anchored at the brow or third eye chakra. This is where we gain instant access to all knowledge and information that exists in the universe.
Lastly, we have the Spiritual plane that resides at the 8th density and connects to the body through the crown chakra. This is the level of your energy body that radiates unity and bliss and is one with the divine creator. It is considered to be the sum total of all your energy bodies – or the overall frequency that your Soul is vibrating at. [The 9th density is the realm of the Source, the Absolute, and the Ground of All Being].
The great benefit we gain when we become Soul-Driven and are able to transcend the grip of the ego is that we access the complete super powers of our Soul. We are able to process and manipulate energy to create our desired reality in powerful ways. In ancient India, these super powers were called the Siddhi’s (adapted from the book, Supernormal, by Dean Radin):
Mind-Body control
- Exceptional Stability, Balance, and Health (mind and body synchronized)
- Disappearance of the body from view (a form of teleportation)
- Extraordinary Strength (physical, mental, and in in general robust health)
- Knowledge of composition and coordination of bodily energies (using the mind-body connection for self-healing)
- Liberation from Hunger and Thirst (using the concepts of breatharianism to extract from the Prana what the physical body needs to survive)
- Blazing Radiance (the enhanced “inner fire” or energetic vibration of a person)
- Perfection of the Body (high energetic vibration and information allows the body to be ‘lighter’ and achieve perfection)
Clairvoyance (pre-cognition and telepathy)
- Knowledge of the Past, Present, and Future
- Clairaudience (knowledge of the meaning of sounds produced by all beings – or development of the “third ear”. This allows one to hear the conversations of the enlightened ones, the subtle mental conversations of others, the celestial music, and receive messages through the ether both awake or asleep).
- Knowledge of Previous Births (or past lives)
- Knowledge of Other Minds (telepathy or mind reading)
- Foreknowledge of birth, harm, or death
- Knowledge at a Distance (remote viewing in modern terms)
- Knowledge of the Inner Universe (understanding spirit or soul beyond the five senses)
- Knowledge of the Outer Universe (understanding the macroscopic universe beyond the five senses)
- Vision of higher beings, knowledge of everything that is knowable, knowing the origins of all things, and knowledge of the true self (a complete understanding of the true nature of reality)
- Freedom from bodily awareness and temporal attachments (moving beyond matter to connect directly to the vast quantum field of energy and information; developing connection to Spirit beyond the body and the material world)
Psychokinesis (mind influencing matter)
- Inducing Loving-Kindness in All (influencing others through your energetic vibration)
- Influencing Others (transmitting spiritual energy to others through one’s gaze or presence)
- Levitation
- Mastery over the Elements (ability to manipulate physical reality in all forms).

Acquiring the capabilities of the Siddhi’s is what you can look forward to as you reconnect with your Soul and become Soul – Driven. Most importantly, you gain a very direct and conscious guidance of your Higher Self – the portion of your Soul that resides at the highest density of reality that the Soul has mastered. The Higher Self, at its elevated position outside of time and space which is able to see the path you are traveling on and is able to provide perfect guidance on the optimum decisions for every step of your life. From the smallest to the largest. Anything you want guidance on you can ask and with its complete visibility, it can provide you with the correct answer. No more guessing, agonizing with your rational mind analyzing endless amounts of data and information. Your Higher Self is the most amazing GPS you will ever use.
But its role is much more than a GPS for a “fun life outing”. The Higher Self can also be thought of as your Soul in the future, at its highest level of evolution. The Higher Self has a life-plan and objectives for the Soul to experience in any given life time. The Soul evolves by coming into material form and experiencing at the physical level what can only be conceptually understood at spirit level. When the Soul and ego-personality are highly aligned, things go very well. Things in your life happen smoothly and you experience much happiness and joy.
Thus the Higher Self is like the map in which the destination is known; the roads are very well known, these roads being designed by intelligent infinity working through intelligent energy. However, the Higher Self aspect can program only for the lessons and certain predisposing limitations if it wishes. The remainder is completely the free choice of each entity. There is the perfect balance between the known and the unknown. [All knowledge, direction, guidance is given if the entity asks for it. Thus free-will is maintained. The awoken Soul realizes it is in its highest interest to “get directions”. ]
Ra, The Law of One, Book 2
Your Higher Self is very powerful and at a high vibration. When you follow the path that your are meant to, and experience and learn lessons that the Higher Self has chosen for this life time, it is able to clear the path for you, make wonderful synchronicities happen, and make sure you get what you need for your highest good. As a result, you pursue your passion and you feel inspired (filled with spirit). Fear will dissipate because you know you are protected and guided by your Higher Self.
This does not mean there will not be challenges. There will certainly be challenges presented to you which will be catalysts for growth which allow for the Soul to learn and evolve. But as you increase your soul connection you will develop the insight to know when those catalysts are in play (rather than mere accidents), and how to best work through them in close dialogue with your Higher Self. As you can imagine, this type of dialogue is priceless. The most likely way for it to happen is when you transcend the grip of the ego.
Soul Evolution
For our understanding it is important to note that the Soul is operating within a larger context of evolution in the Universe. The most interesting and dramatic information in recent years in this area came from channeled information by a small group of people called LL/Research in the mid 1970’s to early 1980’s. The information they collected is called the Law of One and was provided by a 6th density group of beings who call themselves Ra. In their communication, they provided the following definition of the various densities (from the lawofone.info site):
The creation has seven levels, or densities; the eighth density forming the first density of the next octave of experience, just as the eighth note of a musical scale begins a new octave Between seventh and eighth densities the creation re-merges in a period of timeless, formless unity with the Creator. It is Ra’s understanding that “the ways of the octave are without time; that is, there are seven densities in each creation infinitely.”
First density is the density of awareness, in which the planet moves out of the timeless state into physical manifestation. Its elements are earth, air, water, and fire. On earth, after matter had coalesced and space/time had begun to “unroll its scroll of livingness”, first density took about two billion years.
Second density is the density of growth, in which what we call biological life emerges and evolves into greater and greater complexity. Second density on earth took about 4.6 billion years.
Third density is the density of self-awareness and the first density of consciousness of the spirit. It is the “axis upon which the creation turns” because in it entities choose the way (either service to others or service to self) in which they will further their evolution toward the Creator. Third density is much shorter than the other densities, taking only 75,000 years. [We humans and the Earth are currently in third density, moving into fourth density. This is what the current “ascension” cycle is about. More on ascension below. ].
Fourth density is the density of love or understanding. Those who have successfully chosen a path come together with others of like mind in what Ra calls a “social memory complex” in order to pursue that path, either loving self or loving others. Fourth density lasts approximately 30 million years; fourth-density lifespans are approximately 90 thousand years.
Fifth density is the density of light or wisdom. Lessons are often learned individually rather than as a social memory complex. Fifth-density entities are beautiful, by our standards, because they can consciously shape their physical forms.
Sixth density is the density of unity, in which love and wisdom are blended together. The two paths reunite as those on the service-to-self path, realizing that they cannot successfully master the lessons of unity without opening their hearts to others, switch their polarity to positive (78.25). Ra is sixth-density; their sixth-density cycle is 75 million years.
Seventh density is the gateway density, in which we once again become one with all. It is “a density of completion and the turning towards timelessness or foreverness.”
Eighth density is also the beginning of the first density of the next Creation. It is “both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one central sun or Creator once again. Then is born a new universe, a new infinity, a new Logos which incorporates all that the Creator has experienced of Itself.”
We can see how the Ra definition of densities aligns with the Soul’s energy bodies. I believe this is how the Soul learns to master the different Soul evolutionary levels by accessing and using its higher energy centers. The Ra material also allows us to see based on our own personal frequency which density are we primarily vibrating at. If someone is at third density their focus is on physical reality and their goal is get to self-awareness, the realization that they are a Soul or a spiritual being. If a person is vibrating mostly at 4th density, they have opened their heart center chakra and have started to master the vibration of love. If a person is showing 5th density vibration, they are starting to display wisdom and if at 6th density, they are now able to combine love with wisdom, a powerful combination. Ra states that each planet has “focus” of learning. The focus of Earth is Love – No separation.
Soul mastery is achieved when we learn to unlock and balance the various energy centers or density levels within us. Ra in book one of Law of One provides the following guidance:
How does one go about balancing themselves? The steps are only one; that is, an understanding of the energy centers (chakras) which make up the mind/body/spirit complex. This understanding may be briefly summarized as follows. The first balancing is of the Malkuth, or Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-ray complex [your connection to earth and the life force, your will to live]. An understanding and acceptance of this energy is fundamental.
The next energy complex, which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal complex, also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self-conscious understanding or acceptance of self. The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One.
The center of heart, or green-ray, is the center from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, to infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion. The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.
The next center is the pineal or indigo-ray center. Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex. The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex, which has its influx then into the transformation or transmutation of third density to fourth density, it being the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity.
The remaining center of energy influx is simply the total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit. It is as it will be, “balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance. Whatever the distortion may be, it cannot be manipulated as can the others and, therefore, has no particular importance in viewing the balancing of an entity.”
Harmonizing the Mind-Body-Spirit Complex is what allows superior connection to the Creator / Source
Ra goes on to say in book three – “The mind/body/spirit complex is not a machine. It is rather what you might call a tone poem. While it is a primary priority to activate or unblock each energy center, it is also a primary priority at that point to begin to refine the balances between the energies so that each tone of the chord of total vibratory being-ness resonates in clarity, tune, and harmony with each other energy. This balancing, tuning, and harmonizing of the self is most central to the more advanced or adept mind/body/spirit complex. The purpose of clearing each energy center is to allow that meeting place to occur at the indigo ray vibration, thus making contact with intelligent infinity and dissolving all illusions. Service-to-others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness. In the balanced individual the energies lie waiting for the hand of the Creator to pluck harmony.” Adding further: “Let us examine the heart of evolution. Let us remember that we are all one. This is the great learning/teaching. In this unity lies love. This is a great learn/teaching. In this unity lies light. This is the fundamental teaching of all planes of existence in materialization. Unity, love, light, and joy; this is the heart of evolution of the spirit.“
In contemporary society (varying by country, by region, by culture, etc), the importance of development and balancing of the first 3 chakras from the perspective of successfully navigating 3rd density physical life is relatively easy to understand. The concept of Love however is not properly understood (where the average person stays within a service to self mode for the most part), and so true heart chakra opening and providing the gateway to the higher centers is restricted. In fact, much of current Earth life is constructed for people to feel anti-love feelings, thoughts, and emotions within their everyday lives – at work or at leisure, thereby ensuring the restriction of spiritual development in most humans. It thus reasons that achieving balance within the first 3 chakras for people along with proper understanding of love is the imperative first priority. Part of the truth about love involves teachings on the true spiritual origins of each human which lays the foundation for making the inner search for the Creator, connection with the Higher Self, and the understanding that one is actually the Creator in Human Form.
Overall, a fully balanced individual across all chakras would be someone who doesn’t react over emotionally to situations but instead would be “non-reactive”. In each case they would proceed skillfully to be of service and to provide the right divinely inspired thought or action to achieve peace, harmony, and learning.
Service to Self or Service to Others
An item to note in the Ra density definitions, is the statement that at 3rd density, the Soul must choose whether they will orient towards “service to self” or “service to others”. If you want to “graduate” to the next higher density level, Ra explains that for service to other oriented Souls, they must be vibrating at that level at least 51% of the time (acting and thinking in ways that would benefit others with no regard of obtaining something in return). In our case on earth at this time, this is what would be required for those wanting to graduate from 3rd density to 4th density. Graduation (or Ascension) is important as it determines what density planet you can incarnate on in future lives. As life gets to much higher vibrations on higher density planets, I think we would all be motivated not to have to repeat another 3rd density cycle and would much prefer the more attractive life situations on 4th density planets.
The service to others path is where you realize that the other is you and your actions toward others is a direct reflection of that understanding. This path takes you towards unity consciousness. The service to self path is much harder and of course goes against the grain of the evolutionary imperative of the universe towards unity. It is a path of separation, where you see no connection between yourself and others and therefore work only in the best interests of yourself. Service to Self however can graduate to 4th density with a 95% service to self vibration, which is considered very difficult to do. That’s a lot of selfish behavior! Most people who polarize strongly towards service to self during incarnational cycles on 3rd or 4th density eventually flip over to service to others orientation. In fact, as Ra points out, no service to self Soul can progress beyond 5th density as the higher densities are all very high frequency and consciousness where separation does not exist. So, it would certainly make life easier to choose the service to others path now, both for the individual (and the rest of us!).
The best way of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as it is known to the inner self. This involves self-knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other self without hesitation. The involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind / body / spirit complex…Love of the Infinite Creator = Undistorted Love = Unconditional Love = Limitless Love = No Separation. All true love emanates from Unity or Oneness.
~Ra, The Law of One, Book One and Two
The Ra material is a very important disclosure about the true nature of reality, who we really are, and what we incarnate into material form for – Soul development, experience, and evolution. It gives a detailed understanding of our current ascension cycle. There were five books of material which you can access for free at www.LawofOne.info as well lots of discussion and analysis.

The Ego
Now that we’ve covered the Soul in totality let’s focus down at the portion known as the ego. Some of the public discourse about the ego implies that it is somehow separate from the Soul. My belief is that the ego is the “front-facing” portion of the Soul – it is active during your waking hours when the brain is fully active and is the consciousness interface to and from the physical senses and overall body. It is part of the Soul that is vibrating at the physical level of reality we occupy. Ideally, It provides information to the Soul about its physical surroundings so that the Soul can decide how to maneuver the body, its vehicle, in the physical realm.
When we observe young children 1-5 – we usually get to see a smooth interface between the ego portion of the Soul and its fully expanded, multi density state. The ego is playing its rightful role in helping to guide and protect the child in the physical realm and providing a context for it to interact with others. The child also enjoys having complete access to its Soul as it pursues its daily life inspired with the full benefit of its spirit – to play, to learn, to create, to be joyful. The child is very comfortable and connected with its “magical inner world” and intuitively it knows there is more to life than the world of the senses.
The problem arises when the child starts to go to school and the mind-programming of the ego begins from teachers, parents, friends, and society overall. The ego is saturated with information and stimulus about fear inducing dangers and how it is different, less (or more) than, or separate from others. And if the child grows up in a harmful household or neighborhood, it develops even more serious fears and hurts which end up residing in the lower three energy bodies as vibration dampening traumas. Slowly but surely, the ego becomes energetically heavy and hard from all its experiences and mind programming. It’s as if a wall has been erected between it and the rest of the Soul. The end result is that by the time the child becomes an adult, it has lost awareness and access to the magic of its Soul.
This is a big problem as it is the Soul’s connection to all of reality and the creator that gives us access to much higher levels of intelligence and connects us with everything and everyone in the universe. It is this connection that gives us access to the Siddhi’s.
So losing connection to the full aspects of our Soul is like looking at a person walking around in a powerful body which should have super human strength and yet the person only uses their pinky to lift and move things and thus can’t do much. The power of their full body is always there for them to access, but they’re not aware that it exists.
So what to do?
The ego and the thick wall it has put up around itself is the problem. But how does one knock that wall down and allow full expansion of their soul and energy bodies? In a recent article I wrote – Spiritual Awakenings – What they Are, Why they Occur, and How they Happen – I told of how psychologist Steve Taylor has chronicled in his latest book how spiritual awakenings often happen via trauma. In this case, when a person has a traumatic event (a loss of a loved one, a loss of job, divorce, imprisonment, etc), their ego’s construct is severely jarred and the Ego wall breaks from it. The person then has a spiritual awakening – which is essentially when someone bypasses the conscious control of their awareness via the Ego and connects directly to their Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Density Soul.
They immediately feel the full power and interconnectedness of their Soul with all of creation. The high energy of this connection produces feelings of euphoria, bliss, joy, peace, and happiness. The person realizes they are not just the physical vehicle, but much, much more. The awakening can be a short temporary one (days), or it can be longer lasting (months). But in either case, the person has “seen and felt the Light”. They can’t unsee it and usually, the event prompts them to want to experience that awakened state always and initiates their search for deeper spiritual transformation. Thus the initial spiritual awakening, is just the beginning.
The reason is that the ego’s walls will usually come back to some degree, fear will rise again, and thoughts of separation will proliferate. So more work is to be done.
But does trauma have to be how we break down the ego barrier? In many cases, yes, or it is at least an initial catalyst. This is because we pay attention when we things go wrong and are more apt to make changes. But if we are sufficiently motivated, we can proactively and gradually make those changes which soften the ego’s walls and fully access our Soul in all of its dimensions and densities. This would be considered the gradual path to spiritual awakening. In my experience, for most people it will be a combination of the two approaches that leads to lasting awakening and enlightenment.
The catalysts for change and the overall process of your awakening and Soul reunion is being conducted by you. In particular, your Higher Self or the portion of your Soul that resides at the highest density that the Soul has mastered. All through the process, the Higher Self is guiding you and creating the conditions for your awakening and Soul expansion. Some of those conditions could be considered fairly light “nudges”. Perhaps gentle taps on the ego wall to get the attention of the ego-personality to look inward and reunite with the Soul. If those don’t work, the severity of the nudges will increase, right up to significant mental and physical traumas and even death of the physical body. The higher self will do what is necessary, in a very skillful way, to get your attention – to get you to shift your awareness away from the ego-driven external sense world inwards. The quicker we pay attention the easier and faster we will reach our goals and regain our divine human super powers.
Ra gets to the heart of the matter in book three:
“The heart of the discipline of the (ego) personality is threefold. One, know your self. Two, accept your self. Three, become the Creator. The third step is that step which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves.
In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing its self, accepting its self, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is, then, no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching. As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity. The three aspects of the magical personality, power, love, and wisdom, are so called in order that attention be paid to each aspect in developing the basic tool of the adept; that is, its self.
It is by no means a personality of three aspects. It is a being of unity, a being of sixth density, and equivalent to what you call your higher self and at the same time is a personality enormously rich in variety of experience and subtlety of emotion. The three aspects are given that the neophyte not abuse the tools of its trade but rather approach those tools balanced in the center of love and wisdom and thus seeking power in order to serve.
Each entity is the Creator. The entity, as it becomes more and more conscious of its self, gradually comes to the turning point at which it determines to seek either in service to others or in service to self. The seeker becomes the adept when it has balanced with minimal adequacy the energy centers red, orange, yellow, and blue with the addition of the green for the positive, thus moving into indigo work. The adept then begins to do less of the preliminary or outer work, having to do with function, and begins to effect the inner work which has to do with being. As the adept becomes a more and more consciously crystallized entity it gradually manifests more and more of that which it always has been since before time; that is, the one infinite Creator.”

Still the Mind
At the heart of it then, if the ego is the problem, then when we can shift away from our waking consciousness, which is the realm of the ego, then we are more apt to connect to the deeper parts of our Soul and spiritual power. Our Soul is always trying to connect with our waking consciousness but it needs to be heard. With the average person having 50,000 to 75,000 thoughts per day, most of them fairly low vibration, this becomes a difficult task. Meditation is the obvious choice to do this as it quiets the mind, lowers brain waves (and thus waking consciousness), and allows the sub-conscious Soul energy to come through.
In meditation we close our eyes and sit in a quiet place and allow the ego to not have to process sensory stimulus. Relieved of this duty, we, the ego personality, can now turn inwards and away from external sense perception. We can now “go-within” and find our whole true self – the multidimensional Soul that is who we really are. The more we meditate and the quieter we get, the more we begin to hear the divine voice of our Soul speak to us and energize every aspect of our physical being.
But we may only meditate 30 minutes a day and even in those 30 minutes. We may not get quiet enough in our mind and body to allow the subtle energies of our soul to reach us. Because of the very noisy and toxic 21st century life style, we are like a pond with thrashing and polluted water inside of us. While what we need is to be is a still, clear, and clean body of water as much of our day as possible so that the energy waves of the soul actually can be felt and heard when they interact with us.
Peace and Harmony
So the next step is that we must remove noise and toxicity from our minds and body. A lot of what we experience daily lowers our energetic vibration and distorts it. Everything is energy – from the food we eat, the media and music we consume, the words we listen to, speak, and read and the thoughts we think. All day long we are thus consuming low or high vibrations. We are either cleaning and calming our mind and body or polluting and distorting them with low vibration content. Anything that is natural, harmonious, and peace promoting is high vibration. While anything that is synthetic, disharmonious, and separation promoting is low vibration. Most of the energy vibration people consume on a daily basis is of the latter variety. To strongly connect with the Soul, your divine spirit, one must achieve great levels of peace, harmony, love, and unity.
With the mind single-pointed, balanced, and aware, the body comfortable in whatever biases and distortions make it appropriately balanced for that instrument, the instrument is then ready to proceed with the greater work. That is the work of wind and fire. The spiritual body energy field is a pathway, or channel. When body and mind are receptive and open, then the spirit can become a functioning shuttle or communicator from the entity’s individual energy/will upwards, and from the streamings of the creative fire and wind downwards.
Ra, Law of One, Book One
Opening the Heart Chakra
Earlier we mentioned that to move beyond the ego-personality and access the higher dimensional realities of the Soul, one must open and expand the heart energy center. In my experience there are three key things that quickly move your Energetic State to one of Love and Higher (Unity):
The true higher density definition of Love is complete acceptance of something or someone else. Thus resistance constricts our energetic vibration and acceptance expands it. When we accept what is in our life in the present moment, we naturally connect to it. That connection removes separation and allows us to see deeper into our reality and the reasons for what is transpiring in our now moment. We realize that what has been created is in our control and it either serves us or it does not. We then may want to create a different future reality, but always, we know we have the creative power through maximizing our energetic vibration and manifesting through our thoughts and emotions.
When we forgive someone or something, we immediately remove the energetic hold that a person or situation may have had on us. We cut the cord so to speak and release ourselves from any energetic frequency reduction that person or situation could impose on us. By forgiving, we boldly choose to be in control of how we feel, not rely on something or someone outside of us and take back control of our Energetic Frequency and dramatically raise our vibration. Forgiveness releases us to rise back to the highest level of Energetic Frequency we can possess and restores us to our natural harmonious and joyous state of being. With Forgiveness, we recognize that the “other” is actually “us” and that any differences or conflicts between us are temporary illusions that are not worthy of sustaining.
When we are grateful, we immediately put ourselves in the energy frequency of Love. Gratitude eliminates the separation between us and our external world. We realize it is all part of us and we appreciate the inherent beauty and goodness in our surroundings. When we choose to be grateful, the universe recognizes our appreciation and provides back to us beauty and goodness in our lives. The Love Frequency rises within us and gives us the ability to powerfully create our reality and to Move Mountains. We allow the Divine Source to beam freely through us, and thus embrace our inherent capability as Divine Co-Creators.
Removing Emotional Scars by Changing our Beliefs
Over our life time, the ego picks up holds on to various emotional pains and we end up storing it in our energy fields. No matter what the cause of the hurt, it is our beliefs about the issue which then generates thoughts, followed by emotions, and finally results in actions or in-action toward the issue. Thus, until we change our belief about what the emotional hurt is, we continue to “keep it alive” and sustain its existence in our energetic fields and material reality. Thus, examining our beliefs on every aspect of our lives and existence and changing the one’s that no longer serve our highest good, is one of the most powerful healing tools anyone can use. What makes things difficult is that many of our beliefs are embedded within our subconscious mind and run as automatic programs that keep us in a habitual state of operation. Dr. Joe Dispenza explains:
Think about that: 5 percent of the mind is conscious, struggling against the 95 percent that is running subconscious automatic programs. We’ve memorized a set of behaviors so well that we have become an automatic, habitual body-mind. In fact, when the body has memorized a thought, action, or feeling to the extent that the body is the mind – when mind and body are one – we are (in a state of) being the memory of ourselves. And if 95 percent of who we are by the age of 35 is a set of involuntary programs, memorized behaviors, and habitual emotional reactions, it follows that 95 percent of our day, we are unconscious. We only appear to be awake. So a person may consciously want to be happy, healthy, or free, but the experience of hosting 20 years of suffering and the repeated cycling of those chemicals of pain and pity have subconsciously conditioned the body to be in a habitual state. We live by habit when we’re no longer aware of what we’re thinking, doing, or feeling: we become unconscious.
What Joe Dispenza is pointing out is that the greatest habit we must break is the habit of being ourselves, which is driven by our beliefs. Changing a belief comes down to making a deliberate choice. You are fully in control of what your beliefs are and what you choose to believe about something or what “meaning” you give it, is totally up to you. So if you don’t like what something “means to you”, then change your beliefs about it. Let go of the energetic connection you’ve made with that issue and the belief that sustains it. To do this requires you taking time to analyze the issue in a 360 degree manner. Look at it from all sides and view points and assess why have or do you give this issue the meaning that you’ve ascribed to it. Then assess what other meanings are possible to assign to it. Or, perhaps remove all meaning from it completely. That would truly be “letting it go”.
Amorah Quan Yin recommends the following protocol for analyzing and changing beliefs and states that the main things required in order to clear a belief are:
- Awareness of the belief
- Willingness to acknowledge your belief as a belief and not the truth
- Willingness to let go of the belief
- Willingness to feel and release associated emotions
- Acceptance of the responsibility for creating your own reality and not being a victim
- The ability to imagine an unlimited healthy alternative to the belief
- A method of releasing the old belief
Amorah then suggests that for each no longer wanted belief, visualize it clearly, and then state to yourself that this belief is no longer desired and request your Higher Self and spirit guides to remove it from you and transmute it to the Light. Joe Dispenza’s model on the other hand recommends that since what you are trying to remove are fragments of “mind programming” that we have picked up since childhood, that we do the opposite process to “un-program” ourselves. His approach is to go into your subconscious mind via meditation and replace un-wanted programs with new programs that are more aligned with your higher good. So as an example, if you identify a limiting belief you maintain about yourself or some aspect of how you think the world works or perhaps how others view you, then create and visualize the opposite of that belief and in meditation tell yourself that this is now the new belief you are taking on. You could actually combine the Dispenza approach with Amorah’s belief clearing protocol as a more complete and effective method.
Of course, letting go of old beliefs and hurts is of course many times a lot easier said than done. One of the reasons this is so, is that our ego at some level actually likes keeping the emotional trauma or scar as part of us. It makes us feel that those emotional hurts are an intrinsic part of us – that they are key aspects of our personality that make us “who we are”. They define us, make us unique, or even in some situations such as scarring which causes anger, the Ego can convince us that it makes us strong and propels us forward in “the good fight” of “us against the world”.
Those who have experienced the release of emotional baggage however know that the ensuing peace, harmony, and love vibration is much more enjoyable than what the Ego offers and results in much more personal power and energy. The ego works hard to keep us focused on the body, which is natural because its original role was to be the portion of our mind that helps our Soul navigate and interact with physical life. However, when the ego becomes the leader instead of staying in the background as a gentle guide that responds to our choices, then things go wrong. The over amplified ego wants the physical reality to be all that we care about and thus eliminates our awareness of our spiritual reality. With the spiritual / Soul reality hidden, we lose connection to our Divine Power Source and forget what powerful spiritual beings we truly are. As a result, we take injuries to the temporary parts of our selves (the body and personality) and forget the everlasting perfection known as the Soul. All meaning about reality then is put in terms of physical reality and not much is given to the powerful Soul that resides behind and is the true cause of our physical reality. To remedy this, we must expand and enlarge the meaning we assign to our understanding of what our physical reality in physical form is all about.

Being Soul Driven
Ultimately, being Soul-Driven is first understanding there is such a thing as the Soul and then coming to the realization you are at the truest and deepest level the Soul and not just the ego personality or the body. The next key step is for the ego to “surrender” its leadership position to its complete self, the fully expanded multi-density, multi-dimensional Soul, and start taking direction from the Higher Self. Ultimately, the realization will come that You are the Higher Self, You are the Creator in Human Form, and You are Very Powerful.
Since the beginning of Time, there has only been one over arching purpose for a human – to go within and re-connect with his his or her inherent divine power (no middle man required). Those seeking to control, dominate and enslave humanity have never grown tired of fooling people into thinking that the power doesn’t exist or is outside of them and therefore un-attainable. Don’t believe the lie any longer, make that direct soul – spirit connection, reclaim your divine power and become Super Human as you were meant to all along. – “For the alchemist, it must never be forgotten that power over matter and energy is only a secondary reality. The real aim of the alchemist’s activities, which are perhaps the remains of a very old science belonging to a civilization long extinct, is the transformation of the alchemist himself, his accession to a higher state of consciousness. The material results are only a pledge of the final result, which is spiritual. Everything is oriented toward the transmutation of man himself, toward his deification, his fusion with the divine energy, the fixed center from which all material energies emanate.
from the book, The Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels and Jaques Bergier
This is a form of “surrender” to your spiritual self that most people today find extremely uncomfortable. It is a symptom of the “disconnection and separation” strategy employed against humanity. Admittedly, no one likes to surrender to anything, but the surrender in this context should be a most welcome thing. For surrendering the ego to the Higher Self reunites you with your inherent Divine Power that is infinitely more powerful and effective than anything the ego can come up with on its own. So what you give up is actually very small in order to get something that’s infinitely large. You reclaim your rightful place as the Creator God you are. The Creator God in you moreover, wants to be unique, infinitely creative in all its endeavors and has the ability to do so in a totally harmonious and supportive manner with others. That’s Heaven on Earth …
Importantly, Intention matters – if you’re sincere intention is strongly connect and be aligned with your Higher Self which is always connected to the Creator, the One, Universal Forces will come rushing to your assistance. There is nothing more important to achieve. You will of course have to do your part and take the appropriate action, but your path forward in this regard will receive all manners of assistance.
The Seeker seeks the One. The One is to be sought, as we have said, by the balanced and self accepting self, who is aware both of its apparent distortions and its total perfection. The Light Energy of all things may then be attracted by this intense seeking, and wherever the inner seeking meets the attracted cosmic prana, realization of the One takes place.
Ra, Law of One, Book 3
In the optimum situation where there is complete alignment between the ego-personality and the Higher Self, the “will” of the Higher Self is seamlessly transferred through the Ego-Personality and it makes the optimum choices in every instant “without thinking”. One could consider this complete “ego transparency” as the wall around the ego is completely porous and the will, energy, information from the Higher Self flows unrestricted. This is how a Divine Human would be operating.
Ultimately, being Soul-Driven is about healing yourself. Ra states in book one of Law of One the following definition of healing for the individual:
The Law of One, though beyond the limitation of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the infinite Creator. One of the primal distortions of the Law of One is that of healing. Healing occurs when a mind/body/spirit complex realizes, deep within itself, the Law of One; that is, that there is no disharmony, no imperfection; that all is complete and whole and perfect. Thus, the intelligent infinity within this mind/body/spirit complex re-forms the illusion of body, mind, or spirit to a form congruent with the Law of One. The healer acts as energizer or catalyst for this completely individual process. One item which may be of interest is that a healer asking to learn must take the distortion understood as responsibility for that ask/receiving. This is an honor/duty which must be carefully considered in free will before the asking.” [note: A distortion is anything is different from Unity and Harmony of the One, the Creator Source.]
In reading the Law of One, I summarize their recommendation for the healing process as follows:
- Achieving deep silence of the mind, to open the door to Intelligent Infinity.
- Identify the polarities (of light and dark) within yourself and reconcile / harmonize the differences. Achieve wholeness.
- Accept All. Make no judgements.
- Understand the polarities in others. Help them achieve balance.
- Practice linking up to other minds and the Big Mind of the One Infinite Creator.
- Understand your emotions – achieve balance within the body.
Thank you for reading. What we’ve discussed in this article is an overview of the process one goes through on the path to enlightenment and ascending to much higher energetic vibration levels. The Path to Enlightenment is often called the Ascension Path. When we Ascend, we rise to a higher state of being, or vibration. We en-light-en, and become filled with more Light. Our vibrational frequency rises, and we radiate more light, and more accurately, we attain and radiate a clearer and more powerful sound (sound vibration sped up results in light). The music of our mind, body, and soul becomes lighter, finer, more harmonious, and beautiful.
Quantum Scientists over 100 years ago revealed to our current human civilization that all reality is energy and frequency. They showed that the material world is just energy reduced to a lower frequency vibration. Our reality and the true nature of ourselves is energetic vibration. Therefore, all existence and the Source of that existence, what some call God, is also then energetic vibration. Further, there is no separation in this vast sea of Universal Vibration, it is all connected, all One. It reasons then, that if we seek to be more like the Creator Source, to reclaim our god-hood, we would need to increase our personal vibrational frequency as close to its level as possible. The Path to sounding more like our God-Selves and attaining god-like powers, is the Path to Enlightenment or the Ascension.
For those who are ready to understand this process at a deeper level, I recommend you download a free copy of my book – The Path to Enlightenment – A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey at this link.
In Service to Your Highest Good,
~Jay Kshatri