- There are Life Promoting Things and Life Destroying Things. Choose those that Promote and Create Life. Love is the key ingredient. True Love creates, protects, grows, it does not destroy, harm, judge or work against the best interests of another or oneself. Anything that does that is not true Love, but many times an impostor masquerading as good in order to cause harm to yourself or another.
- Love is Full Acceptance of Something or Someone. If the Divine Source creates all that is Beautiful and is working through everything, then the more you Love, the more you embrace all parts of yourself, others, nature, and all beauty of the world. This leads to better union and integration with the Source and provides true healing. As a result, you reclaim your rightful divine power.
- The Goal is to Identify and Magnify the Beauty in Yourself, Others, and the Natural World. That is how you connect to the Divine Source. You also fully accept in yourself and others what is not of Source, not beautiful, but realize that it is an error in understanding or choice. You forgive yourself or the other, and work to achieve understanding. Beauty that is skin-deep is fragile and not sustainable. Real beauty comes from a deeper place and is natural and organic versus artificial and manipulated. It is a beauty that transmits the essence of Joy, Creativity, Love, Service to Others, and High Vibration. Many times, the dark forces on this planet, mix low vibration elements into high vibration elements to trick us into accepting or consuming something that is not in our highest interest. It is up to us to develop the discernment and knowledge to know the difference. Once we know, we can either choose to avoid that item, or find a way to extract the good and discard the bad. No matter what your taste there’s a good and not so good version of everything. Find and choose the good.
- The Body, Mind, and Spirit are Intricately Linked and Work Together to Achieve Balance and Harmony. When one aspect takes precedence over the others, imbalance and suffering occurs. The higher self seeks to regain balance by providing catalyst (changes in your life circumstances) to either lessen or increase your focus in one or more of the three areas to regain harmony. An equally important task is to learn how to maximize the energetic vibration in all three body’s -Mental Body (managing thoughts and emotions), Physical Body (removing toxins, consuming high vibration foods, and increasing energetic flow), and Spiritual Body (embracing and appreciating all that is the Divine Source).
- What You Choose, You Amplify in Yourself. Everything is energetic vibration. Energetically, you are what you consume. Those choices are thoughts, food you eat, products you use, media you watch and listen to, the people you interact with, the words you use, the emotions you create, and more. If what you are consuming (or producing in terms of thoughts, words, and emotions) is low in vibration, then you also remain low in vibration. This cuts off your flow of High Vibration Divine Energy, because like flows to like. The higher self provides feedback through catalyst to awaken you to make better, more conscious choices that raise vibration, not lower or distort it.
- Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Kills. If you know the Truth about something – what you should do for your highest good – but choose to suppress, ignore, distort, or avoid it, this further blocks the Divine Source from flowing to and through you. In terms of Universal Law, you have chosen to experience the opposite of Truth, so that’s what you receive in respect of your free will.
- The “Fall” is about the Separation of the Human from Divine Truth (that we are all inherently One Interconnected Being). The “Fall” is the error made in forgetting that we are spiritual energetic beings at our core versus purely material entities living in a static, disconnected material reality. Once we remember that our spiritual essence is immortal, fluid, and possesses god-power, then the shackles of the material world fall away. We regain our understanding that we create (by our thoughts and emotions), our physical reality. The change we want to see or experience in the world is within our control. To complain and criticize what we are experiencing has two flaws – one, it doesn’t recognize the inherent unity and interconnectedness of all life, and two, it doesn’t acknowledge our role in the creation of what we have experienced. Once you reconnect to the Divine Source flowing through you, you regain your immense power to heal yourself, repair the world, and consciously create your reality. We are all much more powerful than we realize…

Explore More In-Depth How to Reclaim Your Inherent Divine Power with these Resources:
- The Path to Enlightenment – A Guide to the Soul’s Ascension Journey – www.ThinkSmarterWorld.com
- Spiritual Awakenings – What they Are, Why they Occur, and How they Happen – www.ThinkSmarterWorld.com
-Jay Kshatri